
WB Police Result 2018 West Bengal Police Lady Constable Cut Off Scores


West Bengal Police Lady Constable Final Exam has been completed by the WB Police Recruitment Board on 07/10/2018 successfully. Now, all the candidates will be able to check the WB Lady Constable Result from the official website of WBPRB at very soon.


WB Police Lady Constable Bharti Details: In January 2018, the WB Police Recruitment Board has released a recruitment notice for 2550 posts Lady Constables in the State Police Department. A large number of candidates took part in the application submission process, first stage written exam (24/06/2018), PST/PMT (20/08/2018) and Final Exam (07/10/2018) etc. Now, the board will publish the West Bengal Lady Constable Result which is expected to be declared in December 2018.

WB Police Lady Constable Result

  • Recruitment Authority: West Bengal Police Recruitment Authority (WBPRB)
  • Name of Post: Lady police Constable
  • Total vacancies: 2550
  • Final Examination Date: 07/10/2018
  • WB Police Constable Result Status: Yet to be declared
  • Website:

WB Lady Constable Answer Key

The candidates who have admitted in the Final Exam for Bengal Police Lady Constable will be able to check the respective result on the official website of the board. The result can be checked by using the application registration details.

WB Lady Constable Cut off Scores (Expected) – Merit List get detail

The WB Police Lady Constables category wise cut off scores will be released on the official website of the board. The board will finalize the cut off scores on basis of various facts in the entire recruitment process.

By checking the expected cut off scores on WB Lady Constable Bharti, the aspirants can have an idea about their estimated marks. We will make an update here on this page with the expected cut off marks for all the categories. The selection will be done on basis of WB Lady Constable Final Cut Off Scores.

The board will upload the WB Lady Constable Merit List on the official website. The candidates can get the same through the detail given on this page. Aspirants will be able to check their name in the list by using the Ctrl+F on the device keyboardget

How to check West Bengal Police Lady Constable Result 2018:

  • Log in to the official website of WB Police Department.
  • Then, . on the suitable detail for WB Lady Police Constable Result 2018.
  • A direct detail to the same will be activated below.
  • . on the detail and fill the required details.
  • Enter the registration number, name and date of birth.
  • Now, check the respective result.
  • Take a printout of it for provisional use.

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