
UPSC NDA Exam 2021 UPSC NDA Admit Card


UPSC NDA Exam: The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has announced the notification for the UPSC NDA examination. The application process for the examination recruitment was ended on 19th January 2021. There are a total of 400 vacancies under this recruitment drive. A lot many contenders wish to be a part of this examination.

Therefore, all those candidates who want to get selected in the examination must have detailed knowledge about the important information like the eligibility criteria, the mode of selection, the procedure to fill the application process, the total number of vacancies, and many more.

What is UPSC NDA Exam?

NDA is the famous defense exam in the nation. The exam is accompanied to handpick the candidates to get selected in Army, Navy, and Airforce wings of NDA. The NDA exam is conducted two times every year. The exam covers two stages to select the candidates. One is written, and the second is SSB interviews.

Every year, it is said that a total of four lakh candidates appear for the NDA exam from across the country. From all these candidates, only 6000 candidates are selected and invited for SSB interviews.

The candidates are selected on the basis of their qualifying marks in the written exam and invited for SSB Interviews. The SSB interview is conducted to test the candidates’ intelligence and personality. The SSB interviews can be considered as one of the toughest personal interviews.

UPSC NDA Admit Card 2021

UPSC will release admit card for the NDA 2021. Candidates who are going to appear in this examination must have to carry admit card/ Hall Ticket with them. There is no entry without admit card in the examination center. You can Get admit cards for the NDA Exam 2021 from the official website of UPSC. The official website of UPSC is

NDA 2021 Admit Card Date

The commission will release UPSC NDA Admit Card three weeks before the examination date. The NDA  NA(I) Exam will be conducted on 21 April through offline mode. Students will be able to Get admit cards/ Hall Tickets after providing valid information related to their candidature. After the successful completion of the examination committee will declare the result of the NDA Exam within a month.

UPSC NDA 2021 Notification – Overview

Before applying for the recruitment drive, the candidates are required to have a look over the important details of the recruitment process. Here we give you each and every important detail about the UPSC NDA recruitment process.

Recruitment will be conducted byUPSC
Full form of the conducting bodyUnion Public Service Commission
Name of the posts under the recruitment driveArmy, Navy, and Air Force wings
Total number of vacancies announced by the organization400
Notification released on30th December 2020
Application filling started on30th December 2020
The application process ended on19th January 2021
The release date of the admit cardMarch 2021
Date of written exam18th April 2021
Written exam result will be declared onJune 2021
SSB Interview will be held onJuly – September 2021

Latest Updates About UPSC NDA 2021

As per the latest recruitment notification released by the commission, the list of candidates has been released who have submitted the application form without filling the applicable fee. The application forms of such candidates have been forbidden by the representatives. Another latest update says that the commission has out the detail to withdraw the application form from the official website. In order to use the detail and withdraw the application, the candidates will have to use their registration number.

UPSC NDA Eligibility Measures & Fee

The candidates who want to be a part of the NDA recruitment process must know the eligibility measures to become eligible to apply for the recruitment drive. Here you will find the broad statistics about the eligibility conditions for UPSC NDA recruitment 2021.

Age Limits

As per the age limit criteria, the contenders should not have been born earlier than 2nd January 2002 and not later than 1st January 2005. The age limit conditions should be followed by all the candidates as per their category as if they don’t fall into the eligibility conditions; they will not become applicable to enter the recruitment process.

Educational Qualifications

The educational qualification measures are also equally important for the candidates to be followed. If you wish to apply online to enter the UPSC NDA recruitment process, you should follow the educational qualification criteria. As per the educational qualification measure, the candidates must have completed their 12th class education or must carry equal qualifications from a recognized board or institute.

Other Criteria

The candidates must be male candidates and unmarried too.

Application Fees

If the candidates do not make payment of the fees, the official can reject the applications of such candidates. Here are the complete details of the application fees to be paid by the candidates at the time of online application form filling.

CategoryApplication Fees
OthersRs. 100

Why Is My UPSC NDA Application Form Rejected?

Some application forms are disallowed by the officials. There are numerous explanations for the rejection. Let’s know them.

  • If the application is not completely filled.
  • The papers are not uploaded appropriately.
  • The application fees are not submitted on time.
  • The candidates do not fall under the eligibility conditions.

Important Things to Keep for UPSC NDA Registration

Some documents should be ready with candidates who want to apply for the recruitment drive. Contenders have to make sure that they follow the complete guidelines to fill the application form as should in the notification. Below are the documents that are needed before applying online.

  • All the mark sheets are proof of educational qualification.
  • Date of Birth proof.
  • Photo, signature, and photo ID proof in .jpg format in 20-300 kb size.

How To Apply Online for UPSC NDA Exam

The only way to apply for the NDA recruitment is online mode. The candidates must follow the accurate method apply online to avoid any major error. Here is the complete method to apply online for UPSC NDA recruitment 2021.

  • Contenders should visit the official website of the organization.
  • There you should see the official notification and official detail to open the application form.
  • By following the direct detail, they should open the application form.
  • They should start with the part 1 online application form.
  • Fill in all the essential particulars as asked in the application form and submit the form.
  • After you submit the form, a unique registration ID will be generated.
  • Then you have to pay the fees and once more stopover the official website.
  • Now here is part 2 of the application form.
  • Fill in all the necessary details in the part 2 application form.
  • Finally, submit the application form.
  • Make sure you take a print copy of the application form for advanced use.

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