
Get UKSSSC Admit Card 2020 UKSSC JE, DEO, Junior Assistant Exam Date


UKSSSC Junior Assistant, Junior Engineer Admit Card will be available soon on the official website of the commission. Uttrakhand Subordinate Service Selection Commission has published a notice on 06/03/2020 regarding the recruitment for the various posts JE, Junior Assitant, Data Entry Operator, etc. Eligible aspirants successfully submitted their online application form before 26/04/2020.


UKSSSC Admit Card will be released 7-10 days before the examination. The date of the written test is not announced but it was expected that it may take place in the mid of 2020 (June – July). But due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the exam may be postponed. So the candidates have to visit the official website for the latest news.

UKSSSC Admit Card Details:

Organization UKSSSC
Post Name JE, DEO, Junior Assistant, etc.
Exam Date  June – July
Admit Card  7-10 Days before written
Job Location Uttrakhand
Official Website

Exam Syllabus & Scheme: The Written test will contain 100 MCQ from General Knowledge, Hindi, English, Basic Maths, etc. The time will be given of  02 hours.

Selection Process: The final selection is purely based on merit.

get UKSSSC JE, DEO Admit Card 2020

After get the UKSSSC Admit Card, read and check the details mentioned on the hall ticket. Sometimes details of the candidate’s print wrong in such cases you have to call the officials and make the correction in the time. Otherwise, you will not able to enter the exam hall. Following are the important details;

  • Candidate Name
  • Father’s/ Guardian Name
  • Registration No.
  • Registered Photo
  • Date of Birth
  • Exam Date & Time
  • Center Code

To get enter in the exam hall aspirants have to carry a valid ID and latest colored photo. These are the documents you can choose from.

  • Passport
  • Bank Passbook
  • Pan Card
  • Aadhar Card
  • Voter ID
  • Driving Licence
  • College ID

How to get UKSSSC Admit Card

After the Uttrakhand Subordinate Service Selection Commission published the Data Entry Operator, JE, Junior Assistant Admit Card, you can get by following some simple steps mentioned below.

  1. Visit the commission’s official website
  2. . on the section named “get admit card”.
  3. After then a new window will open.
  4. Enter your Application Id and Date of Birth.
  5. get the admit card in the default format.
  6. Take a hard copy for future use.

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