
TSPSC AEO Hall Ticket 2017 Agriculture Extension Officer Admit Card Get


TSPSC AEO Hall Ticket 2017. Telangana State AEO Grade-2 Admit Card. TSPSC Agriculture Extension Officer Grade-2 Hall Ticket Get . Telangana AEO Paper Pattern & Exam Scheme


The Telangana State Public Service Commission will commence a written examination for various AEO Grade-II (Agriculture Extension Officers) on 22/11/2017 across the state. The admit cards for the same will be released 7 days before the exam commencement date. Therefore, Get the TSPSC AEO Grade-2 Hall Ticket from the website using the application registration number and password. A direct detail to Get the same is given below.

TSPSC AEO Grade-2 Hall Ticket

Name of the Organization Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC)
Name of Post AEO Grade-II (Agriculture Extension Officer)
Total Vacancies 851
Written Examination Commencement Date 22/11/2017 (F.N. & A.N.)
TSPSC AEO Hall Ticket Availability 7 days before the exam date

In the month of October, the commission has released a recruitment notification to the 851 posts of Agriculture  Extension Officer Grade-II in Agriculture and Co-operation Department (Subordinate Service) in the State of Telangana. Applications were invited from the eligible and desirous candidates for filling the above-said posts.

In the further step of recruitment procedure, the commission will conduct the written examination for these posts. The exam is likely to be held on 22/11/2017 (tentative). The candidates will be intimated on the commission’s website as and when the exam date is finalized. Aspirants are advised to visit the website regularly for further updates.

TSPSC AEO Grade-II Admit Card Details

The candidates will be able to Get the Telangana State AEO Grade-II admit cards from the website. Applicants must keep the application registration number and further details with them while Get the TSPSC AEO Hall Ticket.

Admit card is a necessary document for an exam. An admit card contains several details about the candidate as provided at the time of application registration. The candidates will be notified about the examination centre and exam timings on the admit card print only.

The postulates must check the information printed on the TSPSC AEO Grade-2 Hall Ticket properly. If any error exists, candidates need to contact the exam authority before the examination.

TSPSC AEO Hall Ticket – General Instructions

The candidates must follow the official instructions as printed on the TSPSC AEO Hall Ticket. Aspirants are advised to read the instructions properly.

In addition, the postulates must bring a valid photo identity proof (original & photocopy) along with the admit card print. A valid photo identity proof may be aadhar card, pan card, voter identity card, passport etc. The candidates without admit card print or photo identity card will not be permitted to enter the examination centre.

How to Get TSPSC AEO Grade-2 Hall Ticket 2017:

  • First of all, visit the official website at
  • Find the direct detail to Get the TSPSC AEO Grade-2 Hall Ticket
  • A direct detail to Get the same is given below
  • Fill the required details like Applicant’s Registration Number & Password
  • Check the entered details properly & . on the submit button
  • The hall ticket will be displayed on your desktop screen
  • Finally, Get and take a valid print out of it for future use

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