
TNPSC Executive Officer Result 2019 TN Grade III EO Cut Off Scores Check Merit List


The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission has completed the written examination for Executive Officer (Grade III) posts on 16th Feb 2019. The authority has released the answer key for this exam on its official website. Now, the board will declare the result for this exam very soon. The same can be checked on the official website also. The candidates will be able to check the TNPSC Executive Officer Result by using the application registration details through the direct detail given on this page.

Recently, the TNPSC has released a recruitment notification for the recruitment of Grade 3 Executive Officer professing Hindu Religion only. Applications were invited for filling up 55 posts. The commission has organized a written test for these posts on 16/02/2019.

Check TNPSC Executive Officer (EO) Answer Key Here

TNPSC Executive Officer (EO) Result

Recruitment AuthorityTamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC)
Post NameExecutive Officer (Grade III)
Total Posts55
Advt Notification No.31/2018
Application Date02/11/2018 to 03/12/2018
Examination Date16/02/2019
Answer Key StatusAvailable
Result StatusYet to be declared

A large number of candidates appeared in the written test and are eagerly waiting for the TNPSC EO Result. The authority is expected to declare the same in the month of April. Further information on the TN Executive Officer Result will be released on the official website of the commission.

TN Executive Officer Result Date – Expected Cut Off Scores

As per the board’s information, the commission may declare the TNPSC EO Result in the second or third week of April. The exact date to declare the result is not announced yet. We will make an update on this page as and when information on the result date is released by the authority.

The candidates will be able to check the TN Executive Officer Result through the direct detail given below. The result can cheked by using the application registration number and date of birth. Also, a list of qualified candidates will be made available to get on the official website.

TNPSC EO Expected Cut Off Scores

The candidates cut off marks are the minimum required marks as decided by the examination authority on basis of various conditions in the entire recruitment process. The board will release the category wise cut off scores on the official website. Aspirants are advised to visit the website regularly for updates on cut off marks and TNPSC EO Result Date.

We will make an update on this page having the expected cut off marks for the TNPSC Executive Officer Exam. By checking the expected cutoff, the candidates will get an idea about their doings in the exam. The final cut off marks can be checked on the official website of TNPSC.

How to check TNPSC Executive Officer Result 2019

  • First of all, visit the official website of TNPSC.
  • . on the tab named Results.
  • Find the detail for Executive Officer Result.
  • get the list of qualified candidates.
  • Or fill the required information to check the result.
  • Take a printout of result card for further reference.

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