
TN TRB Computer Instructor Hall Ticket 2019 Get Call Letter & Exam Scheme


The Tamil Nadu Teachers Recruitment Board is initiating a recruitment for Computer Instructor (PG Grade) in the school education department. The computer-based examination for these posts is scheduled to be held on 29/06/2019 across the state. Therefore, get the TN TRB Computer Instructor Hall Ticket from the official website about ten days prior to the exam date.

In March 2019, the department has released a notification for various 814 posts of Computer Instructor Grade-1 (PG Cadre). The eligible candidates were able to submit online applications from 20/03/2019 to 10/04/2019 from the official website. In the first phase, the department will organize a computer-based test on 23rd June.

TN TRB Computer Instructor Hall Ticket

Exam AuthorityTeachers Recruitment Board
StateTamil Nadu
Post NameComputer Instructor
Total Posts814
Computer Based Exam Date29/06/2019
Hall Ticket AvailabilityAvailable
Web Portal

A large number of candidates applied for these posts. Now, the candidates are looking for the hall ticket get detail. The TN TRB Computer Instructor Hall Ticket is expected to be released on the official website in the second week of June. The candidates will be able to get the call letter by using the application registration details.

TN TRB Computer Instructor Exam Scheme – Paper Pattern

The Online Computer Based Examination will consist of a single paper of 3 hours duration with 150 MCQs. Each question carries one mark. The marks allotted to the Main Subject (Computer Science), General Knowledge and Education Psychology. The candidates have to secure a minimum of 50% marks in the examination (for SC-45% mark, ST-40% mark).

Computer Science130
General Knowledge10
Education Psychology10

TNTRB Computer Instructor Hall Ticket Details – get detail

The TN TRB Hall Ticket will consist of details like candidate’s name, registration number, photograph, exam date and time, and examination venue etc printed on it. The candidates must check the admit card print properly. In case of an error, the candidates must contact the examination authority before the exam date.

The aspirants must bring a valid photo identity proof of himself/herself at the time of exam. The candidates without admit card print and photo identity proof will not be allowed to enter the exam centre.

A valid photo identity proof may be aadhar card, pan card, driving license, voter identity card, bank passbook, school/college identity card etc.

How to get TN TRB Computer Instructor Hall Ticket 2019

  • Visit the official website of Teachers Recruitment Board, Tamil Nadu.
  • . on the recruitment named Computer Instructor (Grade 1).
  • Look for the Computer Instructor Hall Ticket get detail.
  • On the next screen, fill the required information correctly.
  • Check the filled details and . on submit button.
  • Finally, get the hall ticket.
  • Take a printout of it for future use.

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