
SBI Armourers, CRO 107 Posts Online Form 2023


Armourers and CRO posts are opened by the SBI Bank The SBI bank has unleashed the details /information for 107 seats for the Armourers and CRO vacancies. The SBI Bank will give the chance to the 12th pass contenders to deposit the online forms for the Armourers and CRO jobs. The online registration for the SBI Armourers and CRO posts has begun on 06th September 2023. Before applying online for the SBI bank Armourers and CRO vacancy you should go through the job requirement first and then submit it before 05th October 2023. 

Notification Summary: SBI Armourers, CRO Recruitment 2023 

Posts NameArmourers and CRO Posts 
Apply Online Begin Date06th September 2023
Name of AuthoritySBI 
Apply Online End Date05th October 2023
Website detail
Number of Posts107 Posts 

Whole Facts: SBI Armourers, CRO Notification 2023 

Vacancy Info:

  1. Armourers- 18 Posts 
  2. CRO/Control Room Operator- 89 Posts 

Educational Qualifications:

The contenders with the qualification of 12th standard and the ex-servicemen criteria will be allowed to apply for the SBI Armourers and CRO posts. 

Selection Technique:

The contenders should prepare for the written test and interview for the SBI Armourers and CRO posts. There will be a DV exam followed by a medical test at SBI. 

Application Cost:

The nominees who want to apply for the SBI CRO and other posts are not required to pay the fees. 


Age Bars:

The contenders who fall into the age range of 20-45 years are allowed to apply for the vacancy of Armourers and CRO for the SBI Bank.

Pay Hierarchy:

The contenders will be offered a pay package of Rupees 17900- 47920 for the posts of Armourers and CRO in the SBI Bank. 

How to Apply For SBI Armourers, CRO Notification

  1. View the details of the SBI Bank Armourers and CRO notification.
  2. Enter the info in the SBI Bank Armourers and CRO post form.
  3. Scan the docs and fix them with the SBI Bank form.
  4. Submit the SBI Bank form on time. 


Q. What is the qualification needed for the SBI Bank CRO and other posts?
A. The contenders are required to pass the 12th class to apply for the SBI Bank CRO and another vacancy. 
Q. What is the application fee for the SBI CRO posts?
A. The SBI bank will not charge any fee for the Armourers and other posts.

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