
BSER Class 10 Result 2019, BSER/RBSE 10th Result at


RBSE 10th Result 2019 BSER Raj Board Class 10 Result 2019 official website Rajasthan Class 10 Result Name wise/Roll number wise

The Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan also called BSER/RBSE has organized the annual exams for 10th Class for session 2018-19 in the month of March. The board exams for Secondary (10th) class from 14th March onwards. The BSER Class 10 Result is expected to be declared in May 2019. The students are advised to check the result on the official website of Rajasthan Board through the direct detail given below.

The board exams for secondary classes held from 14th to 27th March 2019 at various examination centres across the state of Rajasthan. More than 10 lakh students will appear in the board exams.

माध्यमिक शिक्षा बोर्ड राजस्थान मार्च माह में बोर्ड परीक्षाएं आयोजित करने जा रहा है| समय सारणी बोर्ड की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर प्रकाशित की जा चुकी है| बोर्ड इन परीक्षाओं का परिणाम मई-जून माह में जारी करेगा| छात्र/अभ्यर्थी नीचे दिए गए लिंक में रोल नंबर और जन्म तिथि लिखकर अपना परीणाम देख सकते हैं|

  • RBSE Secondary (10th) Exam Schedule: 14th March to 27th March

BSER Class 10 Result

  • Name of Examination Board: Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan
  • State: Rajasthan
  • Name of Exam: Secondary (10th)
  • Session: 2018-19
  • BSER Result Date: May-June 2019 (Expected)
  • Website:

BSER Board Result

As far as results are concerned, the Rajasthan Board generally announces the results in the month of May or June. As per experts, the Rajasthan Board Exam Results 2019 can be expected the same time as last year i.e. the second week of June.

Once formally declared by the RBSE, the same would be made available online on this page. Visit the website regularly for updated information and regular news on Rajasthan Board Exam Result 2019.

BSER Last Year Statistics:-

In the session 2017-18, a total number of 10,58,018 appeared in the examinations. As per the result statistics, 8,44,909 candidates were declared passed. Total 79.86% of students were passed. As per the reports pass percentage of boys was 79.79& while 79.95% of girls were passed.

RBSE Secondary (10th) Result – Expire Soon to Check

The Rajasthan Education Board will declare the Secondary (10th) result online on the official website. The candidates will be able to check the same by using the Roll Number and Date of Birth.

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