
RBI Assistant Result 2020 – Check Prelims Result, Marks, Merit List


The reserve bank of India has released the RBI Assistant Mains Result 2020 on 11th December 2020. The center wise list of roll numbers of selected candidates is given in the details shared below. The list is prepared on the basis of the candidates’ performance in the RBI Assistant mains examination. All those candidates who have appeared for the mains exam can now easily check their results by visiting the official website. Those who are qualified in the mains exam will be shortlisted for the next round that is a language proficiency test.

RBI Assistant exam is conducted by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to choose eligible candidates for the post of Assistant in various branches and sub-offices of RBI. This exam provides the candidates with an entrance to become a part of one of the most desirable government organizations in India.

RBI assistant prelims result 2020 was conducted on 14th & 15th February 2020 and the results for the same were announced on 3rd 2020.

RBI Assistant Mains Result 2020 Details

Below you will get to know the complete details about RBI Assistant mains result 2020.

Organization NameReserve Bank of India (RBI)
Post NameAssistant
No Of Posts926 Posts
Exam Date22nd November 2020
Result Release Date11th December 2020
Selection ProcessPrelims, Mains, Language Proficiency Test
Job LocationAcross India

RBI Assistant Result 2020

The RBI Assistant Results 2020 is announced by the officials of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). Candidates who have appeared for the exam will be able to check their results by visiting the official website. So if you were searching for your results on the web, this is the right time for you to do so. You will also get to know the cut-off and merit list that are declared after a few days of the announcement of RBI Assistant results 2020.

RBI Exam Scores Calculation

The scores of the candidates are calculated in the following manner.

  • For every correct answer, the candidates will be awarded one mark.
  • If any of the answers is wrong, that ¼ marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.
  • So the total score of the candidate will be calculated based on the correct and incorrect answer they attempt.

Normalization of Marks

The candidate’s attained marks are normalized before releasing the RBI Assistant results. The process of normalization of marks is important as the exam is conducted in multiple shifts. So this is how there might be some difference in the difficulty level of the question papers. To adjust the level of difficulty in the question paper, the normalization is done.

RBI Assistant Cut Off Marks 2020

The RBI Assistant Cut off marks is released with the scorecard. The cut-off marks can be understood as the minimum qualifying marks that should be attained by the candidates in order to qualify for the exam. Only those candidates who cross the cut-off marks will be taken to the next level that is the Language Proficiency Test.

RBI Assistant Merit List 2020

RBI Assistant Merit list is the list that contains complete details of the candidates who have attained the highest marks in the examination. The officials of RBI will release the RBI Assistant Results and RBI Assistant Merit list at the same time. Those candidates who found their name on the merit list will enter the next entrance process that is a language proficiency test.

How to Check RBI Assistant Result 2020?

Below you will see the complete procedure to check the RBI Assistant result 2020.

  • First of all, you have to visit the official website of RBI that is
  • Then you have to look for opportunities on the main page.
  • Tap on the particular option. You will see the list of current vacancies option.
  • You will see the result section in the menu bar. Tap on the detail.
  • You will see a page regarding the results declared.
  • You have to choose the RBI Assistant Results 2020 for all regions and tap on it.
  • Now check the status of your results and Get them.

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