
Rajasthan Post Office Admit Card 2017-18 DOP RAJ Postman Mail Guard Exam Date


India Post Services and Postal Department of Rajasthan Circle is recruiting candidates for various vacant posts of Postman / Mail Guard in divisions of Rajasthan Postal Circle. Online applications were invited from the eligible and desirous candidates for filling up 129 posts of Postman/Mail Guards.

The application registration process for these posts ends on 27/11/2017. Now, the department’s recruitment authority will conduct a written examination for these posts. The aptitude test is likely to be conducted in January -February 2018. The admit cards will be released 15 days prior to the examination date.

The candidates will be able to get the DOP Rajasthan Postman Admit Card from the website by using the application registration number and password.

DOP RAJ Postman / Mail Guard Admit Card

Name of DepartmentDepartment of Postal Services
Name of PostPostman / Mail Guard
Total vacancies
  • Postman: 126
  • Mail Guard: 3
DOP RAJ Postman Written Exam DateYet to be announced
Rajasthan Postal Circle Postman Admit Card Availability15 days prior to the exam date

DOP Rajasthan Postman Admit Card

Online applications were invited for filling up 126 Postmen and 3 Mail Guard posts across 24 Postal Divisions across the state of Rajasthan. A large number of candidates shown interest in the respective recruitment.

Rajasthan Postal Circle Postman Written Exam Date

In the further stage of the recruitment process, the board will conduct a written examination for the above-said posts. The exam date is not revealed yet. As per the expectations, the written test will be comprised in Jan-Feb 2018.

Candidates will be intimated through the regional newspapers and official website. So, the candidates are advised to visit the website regularly for Rajasthan Postal Circle Postman / Mail Guard Exam Date.

We will make an update here on this page as and when the date of DOP RAJ Postman Exam is revealed by the Postal Department, Rajasthan.

DOP RAJ Postman / Mail Guard Exam Scheme and Paper Pattern

The Applicants shall be subjected to an Aptitude Test with a total 100 marks covering various subjects. Aptitude Test will be comprising four parts [Part-A, Part-B, Part-C(i), Part-C(ii)]. The total duration of the Aptitude Test will be 2 hours (120 Minutes). There is no negative marking. The details in the aptitude test are as follows:-

DOP RAJ Postman Admit Card

The General Category candidates must secure 10 marks in each part while the candidates from OBC Category must secure 9 marks. The candidates from SC/ST Category must secure 8 marks in each part of the examination.

DOP Rajasthan Postman / Mail Guard Admit Card Details

The admit card will be released in the online mode only. The candidates will be able to get the same by using the registration details like application registration number and password.

Admit card is a mandatory document which contains information about the candidate like roll number, name, photograph, signature, examination centre/venue details, exam timings etc printed on it.

Candidates must check the admit card print details properly. If any error exists, the candidates may contact the examination authority before the examination.

In addition, the candidates must bring a valid photo identity proof with them. In failing to do so, the candidates will not be permitted to enter the examination centre. a valid photo identity proof may be

  1. Aadhar card
  2. Pan Card
  3. Driving License
  4. Voter Identity Card
  5. Passport

Rajasthan Postal Department Postman / Mail Guard Admit Card get

The candidates must have their application registration details while get the Rajasthan Postman Admit Card. The admit cards will be released on the official website of Department of Postal Services, Rajasthan.

A direct detail to get the same is given below. The detail will be activated as and when the DOP RAJ Postman Admit Cards are available to get on the official website. You can bookmark this website for further information on Rajasthan Postal Deptt Postman / Mail Guard Admit Card.

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