
PGI Chandigarh Admit card 2017 for LDc & Stenographer


PGIMER will hold the written exam for Lower Division Clerk and Stenographer on 12/02/2017. The candidates can get Lower division Clerk Admit card and Stenographer Admit Card after 24 January.

the written examination for the posts of Lower Division Clerk will be held on 12th February 2017 from 10.00 AM to 11.45 AM Morning Session) at Chandigarh/Mohali.

The written examination for the post of Stenographer will also be held on the same day i.e. on 12th February 2017 between 3.00 PM to 4.45 PM at Post Graduate Govt. College and Post Graduate Govt. College for Girls, Sector 11,
Chandigarh only.

Eligible candidates may get the admit card alongwith detail instructions to be followed during the examination from the website of the Institute after 16.1.2017. The candidates will not be allowed to enter the Examination Centre without admit card and a valid identity proof.

Admit card is a mandatory document for the candidates. As the candidates without admit card will not be allowed to enter the examination center. Admit card consists of a unique roll number, name, date of birth, photograph, examination centers details and exam timings etc printed on it.

Also, the candidates must bring an original photo identity proof like aadhar card, pan card, voter identity card, or driving license with them. Candidates without admit card and valid photo identity card will not be permitted to enter the examination center. Ration Card and E-Aadhar Card are not a valid photo identity proof for this purpose.

How to get PGI Clerk Admit Card 2017:

  • Visit the official website through the given detail
  • Then, find the detail for LDC admit card 2017
  • or . on the direct detail given below
  • Fill the required details like registration number & password
  • . on the proceed button
  • Finally, get and take a print of admit card 2017

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