
MPSC PSI answer key 2017 Question Paper Solution


MPSC PSI exam answer key 2017. 12 March exam question paper solution Set A, B, C, D. MP Police Sub Inspector Preliminary Test answer key get in pdf

Maharashtra Public Service Commission successfully completes written test (Preliminary) for posts of Police Sub Inspectors on 12 March 2017. Therefore, get MPSC PSI Preliminary test answer key 2017 from official website very soon.

Recently, the MPSC has released a recruitment notification for filling up various 750 posts of Sub-Inspectors in Maharashtra Police department. The authority organized a written examination for the above said posts on 12/03/2017. Now, the conducting body is on the way to release the answer key. The commission will publish the MPSC PSI Preliminary Exam answer key on its official website.

MPSC PSI Prelims Exam answer key 2017

Name of the organizationMaharashtra Public Service Commission
Name of postPolice Sub Inspector
Total Posts750
MPSC PSI written examination commencement date12/03/2017
MPSC PSI Prelims exam answer key availablityVery Soon
Official website

MPSC PSI Prelims exam answer key 2017

A large number candidates appeared in the written test held at various examination centers. As we know, this was a preliminary test. The candidates who have been a part of the prelims test are in search of the answer key now. The answer key can be get from the official portal through the detail given on this page.

MPSC PSI Prelims answer key Set A, B, C, D

The commission usually releases the answer key within three days of the exam commencement date. So we are expecting the preliminary exam answer key to be released on or before 14 March 2017. In the first phase, the commission will release the provisional answer key. After that, the final answer key will be released. The commission will ask for the objections against the wrongs answers. If any wrong answers are found in the provisional answer key, the candidates can send their objections. The objections can be submitted through email only.

MPSC PSI Mains Exam admit card & exam date

After the completion of the preliminary examination, the commission will conduct the main examination. The candidates who qualify in the preliminary exam will appear in the main exam. The main exam is likely to be held on 25/06/2017. The main exam admit cards will be made available on the same website.

The candidates are advised to visit the website regularly for latest updates on MPSC PSI recruitment 2016-17.

How to get MPSC PSI Prelims answer key 2017

  1. Candidates need to Visit the official web Portal at
  2. Find the detail for MPSC PSI Preliminary exam answer key 2017
  3. A direct detail for the same is given below
  4. get the answer key in pdf file format
  5. Finally, get and check the answer key properly

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