
MP Forest Guard Result 2017 MP Vanrakshak, Jail Prahari Result & Cut Off Score


MP Forest Guard Result 2017 | MP Vanvibhag Vanrakshak Exam Result 2017| MP Jail Prahari Result 2017 at| MP Vyapam Forest Guard Cut Off Score Discussion Comments

Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board (MPPEB) also Known as MP Vyapam has conducted a Recruitment Test for the 1400 Post of Vanrakshak or Forest Guard in Forest Department and Jail Prahari in Jail Department of MP Government. A Written Test for this post was scheduled on 15 July 2017 to 14 August 2017. MP Vyapam Forest Guard Result 2017 will be Declared soon by the board on its official website.

MP Vyapam Forest Guard Result 2017. The Board is working hard to declare the result of Forest Guard or Vanrakshak as soon as possible. The MP Forest Guard Written Exam Result 2017 will be published on the official web portal of Vyapam.

Update: the result has been declared. Please see the detail below.

Here, we are starting an opinion poll for Forest Guard cut-off and Jail Prahari Cut-off. Please submit your estimated marks you may get. We will then calculate the Cut-off score for the final result.

जो उम्मीदवारों ने वन रक्षक व जेल प्रहरी परीक्षा में शामिल हुए हैं उनसे निवेदन है कि वो अपने अनुमानित अंक निचे दिए ओपिनियन पोल में रखें| ऐसे करने से हमे कट-ऑफ स्कोर का अंदाज़ा हो जायेगा | आप सभी सभी से निवेदन है की इस पोल में हिस्सा लें व अपने साथियों से शेयर भी करें

MP Vyapam Forest Guard Result 2017 Declaration Date

The candidates who appeared in the MP Vanrakshak Exam 2017 are now waiting for the result. The result of the examination will be declared only through online mode. The Commission will not send the result of the candidates by post to their respective addresses. Candidate have to get MP Forest Guard Result 2017 by logging o to the official website

See Also: WB Forest Guard Result 2017

MP Vyapam has decided to declare the MP Vanrakshak Result 2017 on the scheduled timetable

. Candidates will get notifications from the board regarding the result by SMS or email. Candidates can get the MP Vyapam Forest Guard Result 2017 as soon as it is made available by the board.

MPPSC Forest Guard/ Vanrakshak/Jail Prahari Exam Result | Merit List 2017

Candidate can check below-given details for the MP Vyapam Forest Guard/ Vanrakshak Result.

MPPSC Vanrakshak / Forest Guard Result 2017
Exam Conducting BodyMP Vyapam Board
Name of DepartmentState Forest Department, Madhya Pradesh
Name of the PostForest Guard (Vanrakshak)
Number of posts1400 vacancy
Written exam commencement date15 July to 14 August 2017
Result Date—–

MP Vyapam Vanrakshak  Cutoff  Score 2017

Till now, we can’t decide the cutoff score for the Vanrakshak and Jail Prahari exam. The cut-off score declaration depends on several factors such as the number of applications against one post which decides the competition. The level of the examination also plays a big role. If the examination is a bit of the higher level then Cut-off score generally remains low.

Although, we are trying to get the opinion of the participants about the cut-off score. We have started an opinion poll where the candidates can submit their estimated marks so can have an idea about the cut-off marks.

MP Forest Guard Result 2017 discussion

The candidates who have appeared in the online examination of the Forest Guard and Jail Prahari can discuss their thoughts in Comment Section available below. You just need to Enter your name and email address. As soon as you . the make comment, your comment will get published on this page. Also, please keep the discussion related to the Forest Guard Result & Jail Prahari Result only.

वनरक्षक व जेल प्रहरी परीक्षा परिणाम जारी करने से पहले व्यापम बोर्ड उत्तर कुंजी जारी करेगा| सभी परीक्षार्थियों को उस मॉडल उत्तर कुंजी की अछि तरह से जाँच करनी होगी| यदि उस उत्तर कुंजी में किसी प्रशन का हल गलत अंकित किया गया है तो उस प्रशन के विरोध में आपति दर्ज करनी होगी| इसके साथ साथ सही उत्तर का सबूत भी पेश करना होगा|

उसके पश्चात् बोर्ड अंतिम कुंजी तैयार करेगा ज्सिके आधार पर ही परीक्षा परिणाम घोषित  किया जायेगा |

How to get the MP Vyapam Forest Guard (Vanrakshak) Result 2017

The candidates can get the MP Forest Guard Result 2017 by following given steps. You may follow these steps to get result easily on your device.

  • First of all, visit the official website
  • Then, find the detail for MP Vanrakshak / Forest Guard Result
  • Fill the required details of candidate like reg name & date of birth
  • . on the Proceed button to get the pdf of the result
  • Finally, get and take a valid print out of the result

60 thoughts on “MP Forest Guard Result 2017 MP Vanrakshak, Jail Prahari Result & Cut Off Score”

  1. Sir my name is jitendra Kumar paraste Mera forest gaurd & jailparahri exam me 34 Mark hai catagri St se hun kiy koi Chan’s hai please inform me sir,

  2. Sir mere no. 61 hai. Sc categiri se form chindwada se dala hai.
    Ho, sakta hai. kya sir ji,
    28/07/2017 ko exam shift 3 se 5 baje tak


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