
MP Anganwadi Supervisor Answer Key 2017 25 & 26 Mar Question Paper Solution


MP Anganwadi Supervisor answer key 2017. MP Vyapam Mahila Anganwadi Karyakarta written exam question paper solution. 25 & 26 March exam solution Set A, B, C, D


MP Directorate of Akikrit Bal Vikas Seva Recruitment (for Mahila Paryavekshak and Mahila Anganwadi Karyakarta) completes a written test on 25 March and 26 March 2017. Therefore, MP Akikrit Bal Vikas Seva Recruitment 2017 Anganwadi Supervisor/Mahila Anganwadi Karyakarta answer key from official website through the direct detail given on this website now.

मध्य प्रदेश महिला आंगनवाडी कार्यकर्ता उत्तर कुंजी: आंगनवाडी सुपरवाइजर और महिला आंगनवाडी कार्यकर्त्ता के लिए लिखित परीक्षा का आयोजन 25 और 26 मार्च को किया गया । उत्तर कुंजी आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर अपलोड कर दी गयी है।अभ्यर्थी निचे दिए गए लिंक से उत्तर कुंजी डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं।

MP Akikrit Bal Sevak / Anganwadi Supervisor / Worker answer key 2017

Organization MP Professional Examination Board
Name of post Anganwadi Supervisor & Mahila Anganwadi Karyakarta
Number of posts 357
Written examination commencement date 25 & 26 March 2017
Answer Key availability Very Soon
Official website

As we know, applications were invited from female candidates only for filling up 357 posts of Anganwadi Supervisor and Mahila Anganwadi Karyakarta under Madhya Pradesh Akikrit Bal Vikas recruitment 2017. The board completes written test for these posts on 25 & 26/03/2017. The candidates who appeared in the written test for the above said posts are in search of the answer key. The answer key can be downloaded from the official website i.e. after completion of the exam.

The aspirants can use the below detail also to download the MP Anganwadi Supervisor model answer key. The candidates are advised to visit the website for latest updates on MP Mahila Anganwadi Worker answer key.

MP Mahila Anganwadi karyakarta model answer key:

In the first phase, the MP recruitment board will publish the provisional answer key for review and ask for the objections for the wrong answers. If any wrong answers are found in the answer key, the aspirants can challenge it through a proper channel. The candidates have to fill the challenge format after paying a pre-decided fee. The challenge format can be downloaded from the official website.

Note: The aspirants need to send a valid supporting document/documentary proof along with the challenge format. The objections will not be accepted without valid documentary proof.

How to download MP Anganwadi supervisor/worker answer key 2017:

  • Visit the official website i.e.
  • . on the detail for Model Answers
  • Find the detail for MP Anganwadi Supervisor answer key 2017
  • Download the answer key in the given format
  • Finally, check your respective set answer key

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