
MAHADMA Hall Ticket 2018 MAHADMA Engineer TAX Assessment Admit Card Get


MAHADMA Hall Ticket 2018 Maharashtra Municipal Council Engineer, Tax assessment & Administrative officer, Accountant/Auditor Admit Card get MAHADMA Administrative Services Examination Scheme & Paper Scheme

Maharashtra Municipal Council Service is commencing a recruitment for Engineers, Tax Assessment & Administrative Officer, Accountant/Auditor and other posts. The preliminary examination for various posts is scheduled to be held on 18/05/2018. The MAHADMA Hall Tickets will be released on the official website of the Council on 04/05/2018.

Online applications were invited from eligible candidates for filling up 1856 posts of Civil Engineer, Electrical Engineer, Computer Engineer, Hydraulics and Hygiene Engineer, Tax assessment & Administrative officer, Accountant/Auditor posts. A computer-based preliminary test for various posts will be conducted on 18th May 2018. The candidates will be able to get the MAHADMA Admit Cards through the detail given on this page by putting the application registration details.

MAHADMA Hall Ticket 2018

Organization’s NameDirectorate of Municipal Administration Maharashtra
Name of PostsCivil Engineer, Electrical Engineer, Computer Engineer, Hydraulics and Hygiene Engineer, Tax assessment & Administrative officer, Accountant/Auditor
Total Vacancies1856
Preliminary Test Commencement Date18/05/2018
MAHADMA Hall Ticket Availability04/05/2018

A large number of candidates who applied for the above said posts are in search of the admit cards. The recruitment authority has released the examination schedule for various posts. Hall Tickets are expected to be released from 04th May 2018 onwards.

MAHADMA Administrative Officer Test Pattern 2018

The preliminary test for MAHADMA posts of Civil Engineer, Electrical Engineer, Computer Engineer, Hydraulics and Hygiene Engineer, Tax assessment & Administrative officer, Accountant/Auditor will consist of objective type questions of the below subjects.

S.No.TopicsTotal QuestionsMax. MarksTime Duration
1.English101090 Minutes
2.Engineering Aptitude Test6060
3.General Studies2020
Total10010090 Minutes

MAHADMA Main Exam 2018

The candidates who qualify in the preliminary test will appear in the Main examination. The main exam is likely to be conducted in July-August 2018. Examination dates will be released by the recruitment authority very soon. We will make an update on this page as and when the MAHADMA Main Exam date is released by the officials. Candidates are advised to keep visiting our website for regular updates and latest information.

MAHADMA Admit Card Details – General Instructions

The MAHADMA Hall Ticket for Engineer, Tax assessment & Administrative officer, Accountant/Auditor posts will consist of details about the candidates like a unique roll number, name, photograph, exam centre details and examination timings etc printed on it.

The aspirants must check the MAHADMA Engineer Hall Ticket print properly. If an error exists, the candidates must contact the examination authority before the exam date. As per the instructions, no complaints will be entertained by the examination authority after the exam date.

The candidates must bring a valid photo identity proof (original/photocopy)with them at the time of examination. The postulates without MAHADMA Hall Ticket print and valid photo identity proof will not be allowed to enter the examination centre.

For the purpose, a valid photo identity proof may be:

  1. Driving License
  2. Aadhar Card
  3. Pan Card
  4. Voter Identity Card
  5. Passport
  6. School/College identity card with photo

MAHADMA Hall Ticket get detail

A direct detail to get MAHADMA Hall Ticket is given below. The detail will be activated as and when the same is released officially. . on the detail and fill the required details like application registration number and password/date of birth. get and take a valid print out of MAHADMA Hall Ticket for further use.

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