
MAHADISCOM Hall Ticket 2020 Mahavitaran Vidyut Sahayak, upkendra sahayak Exam Date


Maharashtra Electricity Distribution Company Limited & MAHADISCOM (Mahavitaran) is initiating a recruitment for Vidyut Sahayak & MSEDCL Upkendra Sahayak posts. Applications are invited for filling up various 7000 posts. The authority is expected to conduct the written exam for these posts in September month. The exam date for these posts is to be revealed yet. The candidates will be able to Get the MAHADISCOM Vidyut Sahayak Hall Ticket & Upkednra Sahayak Hall Ticket from the official website about 10 days prior to the exam date.


Recently, the MSEDCL has released a recruitment notification for posts of Vidyut Sahayak (5000 Posts) & Upkendra Sahayak (2000 posts). Eligible candidates will be able to apply online from the official website from 13/07/2019 to 26/07/2019. The authority is expected to organize a written test for these posts in August-September month. The authority will release the exam date for these posts very soon.

MAHADISCOM Vidyut Sahayak Admit Card

Name of the recruitment board Maha Electricity Distribution Company Limited (
State Maharashtra
Post Name
  • Vidyut Sahayak
  • Upkendra Sahayak
Total Vacancies 7000
Recruitment Date July 2019
Examination Date
Hall Ticket Availability

A large number of candidates applied for the MSEDCL Vidyut Sahayak posts. The candidates will appear in the Preliminary Test in the first phase. As per the recruitment notification, the board will conduct a written exam for these posts on two days viz. 31st August & 01st September. The Main Exam date will be released on the official website later. Only the qualified candidates will be called for the Main Exam.

The board will release the MSEDCL Vidyut Sahayak Admit Card on its website about 10 days prior to the examination date. A direct detail to Get the same will be activated on this page as and when the same is released officially. Aspirants are advised to visit the website regularly for the updated information on MAHADISCOM Exam.

Maha Vidyut Sahayak & Upkendra Sahayak Hall Ticket Details

The candidates will be able to Get the MAHA Vidyut Sahayak Admit Card by using the application registration information on the official website. So, the candidates must keep the registration details while Get the call letter.

The MSEDCL Vidyut Sahayak Hall Ticket will hold important information regarding the exam. Candidates will get their examination centre details and exam timings etc on the admit card print only. Also, there will be important information like candidate’s name, registration number, photograph etc printed on it. The candidates must check the admit card print properly for further information.

How to Get MAHADISCOM Vidyut Sahayak & Upkendra Sahayak Admit Card

  • First of all, visit the official website of MSEDCL.
  • . on the Vidyut Sahayak & Upkendra Sahayak Exam 2019.
  • Now, find the detail to Get the admit card.
  • Fill the required information like candidate’s registration details.
  • Check the entered information and . on the submit button.
  • Finally, Get the admit card and take a printout of it for further reference.

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