
Ladakh Police Constable 298 Posts Online Form 2023


Ladakh Police has the requirement for eligible persons for the Police Constable posts. They released a notification for 298 seats of Police Constable. The nominees who desire to apply for the Police Constable seats should have cleared the 10th class education. The notification is given with ADV 01/2023 and the release date is 07 September 2023. All the aspired nominees should submit their Police Constable post form within the given time bound. 

Ladakh Police Constable Recruitment 2023 Notification Overview: 

Name of Organization Ladakh 
Apply Online Starting Date07 September 2023
Posts NamePolice Constable
Apply Online Closing Date October 2023
Website detail
Number of Positions298

Ladakh Police Constable Notification 2023 Complete Details

Vacancy Details:

  1. Constable Executive- 264
  2. Constable Telecommunication- 34

Educational Qualifications:

The aspirants must have a 10th-class certificate in order to submit the applications for the Police Constable posts in Ladakh.

Selection Procedure:

The aspirants will have to clear the physical endurance test, medical test, written test, and docs verification tests for the job of Police Constable in Ladakh. 

Application Fee:

The aspiarnts from all caste categories will be asked to submit an application fee of Rs 500 for the Police Constable posts in Ladakh. 


Age Criteria:

The aspiarnts should be more than 18 years old and less than 28 years for applying for the Police Constable vacancy in Ladakh. 

Pay Scale:

The aspirants will be offered a salary pcakge in the scale of Rs 19900- 63200 for the Police Constable posts in the Ladakh Police. 

How to Apply For Ladakh Police Constable Notification

  1. See the instructions for filing out the forms for the Police Constable posts.
  2. Enter the details in the online Ladakh Police, Police Constable vacancy.
  3. Scan the directed certificate/pic and fix them with the Police Constable form.

FAQs About Ladakh Police Constable Notification

Q. How many posts are vacant in the Ladakh Police for the Police Constable posts?
A. The Ladakh Police has published a notice for 298 posts of Police Constable. 
Q. Who can apply for the Police Constable posts in the Ladakh Police?
A. A person with a 10th-class certificate is eligible to apply for the Police Constable seat in the Ladakh Police. 

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