
KSP Jailor Warder Call Letter 2019 Karnataka State Police Jailor Warder Exam Date


Karnataka State Police Department and recruitment authority is initiating a recruitment for Jail Warder posts. The authority will organize the written examination in the first phase. The exam date will be released by the authority very soon. The candidates will be able to get KSP Jailor Warder Call Letters from the same website about 15 days prior to the exam date.


Update: The exam date has been fixed for Jailor, Warder. The exam will take place on 19 May. Please use the detail available below to get the hall ticket or call letter.

Recruitment notice for 662 posts of Jailor & Warder posts in the state police department has been circulated on the official website of the authority. The candidates can submit the online application form for these posts from 21/02/2019 to 07/03/2019 from the official website. After that, the board will release the exam date and PET & PST schedule. Aspirants are advised to check the website regularly for the details.

KSP Jailor & Warder Call Letter – Exam Date

Authority Name Karnataka State Police Recruitment Board
Post Name Jailor & Warder
Total Vacancies 662
Application Date
  • Start date – 21/02/2019
  • Last date – 07/03/2019
Selection Method
  • Written Exam
  • PET & PST
  • Viva-Voce
Written Exam Date 19 May 2019
Call Letter Availability 13 May 2019
Web Portal Check Here

As we know, the authority will organize a written test in the first phase. The qualified candidates will be called up for PST/PET in the second phase. The board will organize viva-voce/interview in the final phase. The complete schedule can be checked on the official website as and the same is released by the authority.

Karnataka Police Jailor & Warder Examination Scheme – Paper Pattern

The board will conduct a written test having multiple choice questions based on various subjects. The paper will be of 100 marks and total time for the exam will be 2 hours. The candidates are advised to check the detailed notice for the examination scheme & paper pattern.

Sr. No. Subject Paper Type
1 General Awareness Objective Type
2 English Language
3 Quantitative Aptitude
4 Logical Reasoning
5 Computer Knowledge

KSP Jailor Warder Physical Measurements

Physical Efficiency Test: Male (Including Ex-servicemen) Physical Efficiency Test: Female
Event Eligible Time /Distance Event Eligible Time /Distance
100 Meters run 15 Seconds 100 Meters run 18.5 Seconds
High jump 1.20 Meters High jump 0.90 Meters
Long jump 3.80 Meters Long jump 2.50 Meters
Shot put (7.26 Kg ) 5.60 Meters Shot put (3.63 Kg ) 3.75 Meters
800 Meters run 2 Minutes 50 Seconds 200 Meters run 40 Seconds
Height of the candidate to Jailor & Warder Height of the candidate to Jailor & Warder
Men (Direct) 168cm Men (Ex-servicemen) 168cm
Chest 86cm including 5 cm expansion Chest 86cm including 5 cm expansion

KSP Jailor & Warder Call Letter Details – Instructions

The candidates will be able to get the KSP Jailor Warder Call Letter from the official website of the recruitment authority. The call letter will consist of details like candidate’s name, registration number, exam roll number, exam venue and examination time etc printed on it.

The candidates are advised to check the call letter details properly. If there is an error in it, the candidates are referred to contact the authority before the exam date.

In addition, the candidates must bring a valid photo identity proof of himself/herself at the time of exam. The candidates without photo id proof and KSP Call Letter print with them will not be allowed to enter the examination centre. A valid photo identity proof may be aadhar card, voter identity card, driving license, school/college identity card etc.

How to get KSP Jailor & Warder Call Letter 2019

  • Visit the official website of KSP through the direct detail given above.
  • Find the direct detail for Jailor & Warder Exam 2019.
  • . on My application detail.
  • Fill the required information correctly.
  • Check the filled information and . on submit button.
  • The call letter will be shown on your device screen.
  • get and same and take a valid printout of it for further reference.

Quick details:-

Expire Soon to get KSP Jailor & Warder Call Letter 2019

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