KPSC WRD AE JE Result 2017. KAR WRD Results. KPSC WRD AE/JE Eligibility List & Expected Cut off Scores
The Karnataka Public Service Commission has completed a written test for 600 Assistant Engineer(Civil/ Mechanical) and 289 Junior Engineer(Civil/ Mechanical) posts in water resource department. The examination held at across the state at various exam centers. The commission will announce the result for the same very soon. Check KPSC WRD AE JE Result at the official website using the direct detail shared on this page.
14 dec: AE Civil List announced. See the detail below.
30 November 2017: Mechanical Junior Engineer Results– List of Eligible candidates for Document Verification has been released. Please see the detail available below to check the list.
KPSC WRD Result – AE JE Cut Off Scores
Name of the Recruiter | Karnataka Public Service Commission |
Name of Department | Water Resource Department |
Name & No of Post | Assistant Engineer – 600 Junior Engineer – 289 |
Date of Examination | 08/09/2017, 09/09/2017 and 10/09/2017 |
KPSC WRD AE JE Result Status | Yet to be announced |
Official Website | |
The commission has conducted the KPSC WRD AE JE Exam 2017 on various dates as per the exam schedule. The exam for the Kannada Language conducted on 08/09/2017, the Assistant Engineer Exam held on 09/09/2017 and for the Junior Engineer exam commission on 10/09/2017.
KPSC WRD AE JE Result Announcement Date
The commission’s exam authority will take some more than two months to announce the WRD AE JE result. As per the information received from the sources, the KPSC WRD AE JE result is likely to be announced in the month of November. The exact date is not revealed yet.
The authority will release notification on the official website about the result declaration status. We will make an update here as and when such type of information is released. So, keep in touch with us for further updates on KPSC WRD AE JE Recruitment.
KAR WRD AE/JE Merit List & Cut Off Scores (Discussion)
The candidates will be selected on basis of their performance in the written test and further stages. Written examination result will be announced very soon. The candidates who secure the minimum required marks will be called for the further recruitment stages such as Personal Interview etc.
After that, the authority will announce the final cut off marks. The list of the selected candidates will be prepared on the basis of cut off marks. The board will upload the selection list on the website. The candidates will be able to get the KPSC WRD AE JE Merit List through the detail shared on this page also.
You can check the question paper by checking the KPSC AE JE Answer Key. On basis of the answer key, you can get an idea about the estimated marks.
The KPSC WRD AE JE Result detail will be activated on this page as and when the same is available to check on the official website. You can check the respective result using the direct detail given on this page. The KPSC WRD result can be checked by using the candidate’s exam roll number and password (date of birth).
2020 batch joined for job or 2017 batch additional list Ae Je joined ..any body can tell here..
2017 wrd final list out but when they done document verification can any one know this
Till today no one join Is it true
May be I don’t know..2020 list joined or not ..that also I don’t know…
New notifications soon
R u sure and guarantee ????
But when .. which month?? Notification from kpsc..
@Dinchak manja..
When is the additional list for 2017 notifications
till they not done document verification how they can leave addition list
Final list r joined job Or not
Yes ..All joined ..there is no additional list…
If list is there means should come earlier itself..
Ya ya ya stop repeating the same crap
One of my friend who joined ..JE ..he said me such additional list exist it seems…already selected those in final list finalized..
If you know better then tell me..
@Dhinchak Manja, long wait ..
@Dhinchak Manja, long wait ..
Any updates??
Today wrd ..eligibility list came..for 2020..notification Hyderabad karnataka region..for mechanical and there is no additional list for 2017 ..guys..
Today wrd ..eligibility list came..for 2020..notification Hyderabad karnataka region..for mechanical and there is no additional list for 2017 ..guys….ha
@Dhinchak Manja,
Reply..any updates..
List available or cancelled for 2017..notification..any one reply me..
List is there or not??
What may be the Highest score in wrd AE 2020
You are in wrong group..
aal STUDYants waitu …………..
WAITER reSOURse DEPOTmante …… listt is theirr……….
vaarey soone list …………..
@Dhinchak Manja,
This month or next month..according to you…
listu ……… vaarey soone ……… waitu ………
@Dhinchak Manja,
You are fake person …frustrated person…
no ……… i realu ………..
waitu little moruu ……….
ist vaarey sooone ……………………
vaarey vaarey soone ………………..
All news fake no list is there
Who told do you get this information..but here only said 1 or 2 month back ..list is in department..
No list ..true you are right
Breaking News…Additional list cancelled..agee daii..
Breaking News…Additional list cancelled..agee daii..
Up to this days u r playing with all
Namaskara dyavru
@dinchak manja,
First of tell me listu is there or canceled…consider as backlog for future requirements…
No list..
When can we expect interview
Am taking 2017 notification additional list…first of all list is there or cancelled don’t know exactly….
When is list
First tell me list is there or not
All list are coming but there is no any additional is canceled
They still have not released key answers
Am taking 2017 notification additional list…first of all list is there or cancelled don’t know exactly….
Saying from starting only soon soon but till not came don’t play with our hopes if there then tel correct if not then no
Guys Don’t wait for results .Do your work .
First of all want to know list is there or not?
If list is there then where is the list either department or kpsc..
vaarey soone ……..
aal waitu ………
@Dhinchak Manja,
Approximately how many days..
By the way list is in department Or it is in kpsc bro..
appraximataley vaarey soone listu ……..
waitu ……..
How long waitu…Manja..
not longu ……..
vaarey soone …….. waitu ……..
@Dhinchak Manja,
vaarey soone …means in how many days this month or next month..where is the list exactly now..
@Dhinchak Manja,
Where is the list at present??
Breaking news,
Recent discussion in the meeting since Monday…finally no list…cancelled
What ur ans Now finally they cancelled list
Yaa true
@Dhinchak Manja, New comer, Aspirant, Nithin..and every one in this group
Happy independence day…
What about list
Finally No list??
Yes AE MECH and AE Civil exam on 31/07
Any exam in wrd department
Hi Raju.. how r u ..??
I’m fine Raju
Source saying no list don’t make fool
100000% correct..time over for list..only new recruitment if applicable. Means..
List is there or no
I think no..simply doing here time pass..
Till have to wait 3 to 4 months may be or more they said we not received list from dept if we get then after our meeting take one more month
Guys list is in processing stage
inside sources say it is still in the department and sooner will go kpsc
Bro approximately time when it will go to kpsc …??
OK Nitin then tell me kpsc take how many days or months or year to leave list any idea
then how many days kpsc take time after they get from dept
Generally kpsc will do…there duty earlier maximum3 months for any list..but department has to send intimate to kpsc..
When they will send to kpsc..any update??
dinchakmanja continue u saying same one only is it confirmed they have list it no first tell
@Dhinchak Manja,
Yes please tell the correct..
hiii evaryone ……
updaytes soonee …… vaarey vaarey sooneeeeee …… waitu aal……
@Dhinchak Manja Please Don’t play with Emotion of every one , It has some Limits bro…????????
hi bro Nithin, any updates or any information at present do you have ..tell please..told that day 40 like that from kpsc..after that any information bro..
it’s better quit thinking about this ..Just Prepare for other jobs ..I hope so. No one will say exactly whats going on there….
Ok bro …but as I heard covid situation should be better…means ..then will get updated…
As of now no appointment for job in any government sector..
@Dhinchak Manja,
But when .???? .which date… approximately.????..who told you…?.??
Tell me much percent genuine information??
@Dhinchak Manja,
When approximately..
Any update
Nothing bro.. nangu enu gottilla
No additional list ,
New notifications will be released soon.
Who said you …department or kpsc??
How much sure are you ..
Due to change of kpsc chairman , He is planning to do one more notification in order to earn more money . This news from the trusted source .
Yaav source anta helidre namgu Samadhana aagutte bro. Edru bagge tale ne kedskolalla ..
it’s better quit thinking about this ..Just Prepare for other jobs ..I hope sooo
All list updated final waiting and additional in that no news about wrd
25/11/2016 Notification additional list is now released,
Our notification is 22/07/2017 hope it’s also released .
Hope so
Any updates guys …
On an average 6-8 months more considering corona extra 6 months more so list release by mid 2022
Guess maadta ediya bro or pakka helta ediya ??
Mentioned above 25/11/2016 notification date based simple math
I think not like that ..
The selected candidates who are working in WRD I think they will know when it’s going to release .
Who are in contact with them ask them .
Karnataka Government is either avoiding or has completely forgotten wrd additional list.I can help you if I come back to cabinet
Ee kpsc nambidre kashta yavag turn aagtare anta gottilla .
You ask department wrd..
obvious because its still pending in WRD as per sources
But one of my friend said that 40 member demand has to be sent to kpsc ?
Is it True @Ramesh jarkiholi
Yes true
Contact number is wrd
Any updates ?
List is still in WRD
They have not yet sent to Kpsc
Why, So much Delay ?
What’s the Reason for This ?
I know it’s not corona .there may be other Reason ??
Any update
@Dhinchak Manja,
Any updates tell me
Any updates you have bro..
Nothing from my side .
Nange gottirodu helidini .
is there any @Dhinchak Manja ?
If anyone knows inform here ,
Adrinda nimge enu Loss aagolla . Next one day olledu aage aagutte ..
Thanks for the response..
But @Dhinchak Manja ..he will response only in the final steps only whenever he got informations..
@Dhinchak Manja?? What ever information you have kindly tell me..
Latest newzzzzzzz
Due to rise in corona cases. Release date kgf2 will be postponed
Please stay away from those friends who always share half information and then say I exactly don’t know
@Well wisher,
Please stop nonsense..
You even don’t know even bit of information also..atlest they will say some information correct..
Who is next wrd minister?
Did any body called to kpsc..for updates?? They have updates as one of my friend e..
it means which update brother
May be some list it seems ..I don’t know exactly..
Actually they have to release list ,ie additional list.
But our question is when it will release ? It has already taken 2 half year.
One of my friend Told that total 40 candidate additional list will be published including AE,JE .
He also don’t know when it will be published .
May be even I also don’t know exactly but one of my friend also said same thing…but didn’t said total candidate that much..
When will new wrd minister come?
May be CM is maintaining this post means why delay
I think vijayayendra permission beku ansutte ????
@Dhinchak Manja,
What information you got from department ha??? Tell me..
Did any body called to kpsc..for updates?? They have updates as one of my friend me
fool maadta ediya bro elrigu ??
if u think i fooling ………. if u not bilive, enquaire in depertmant …….. u getting detail i saying………
Department li 2 years enda nu bidtaare bidtaare anta heltaare or illa Next month call maadu antaare .
Keli Keli saakagide , yaarna contact maadbeku?
number edre share maadu .
@Dhinchak Manja,
What information you got from department ha??? Tell me..
@ Dhinchak Manja,
Did you called to kpsc..for updates?? They have updates as one of my friend me
@Dhinchak Manja you are right . List will be released by kpsc .
But we have to know when it is released ,if you have any information please tell me brother. Because you will know what are the problem facing by unemployed boy in Home …
braking news wass……….
wrd minstair resaign from post some daays bacck due some reasoan……….
littal delay happen due this reasoan……… waitu some tame aalllu……….. good neeews camingu ………. vaaarey sooone…………..
@Dhinchak Manja..
Since more than two and half years are joking and also you are saying here joke ..on April 1st to make April fools..atlest have some sincerity and courtesy..@Dhinchak Manja
When is new minister appointment?
2 and nearly half years since final list released
100 % true
When is list They given order to final list candidate or no till and addition list is there or no
I think no simply here tell ..
@New comer, @Dhinchak Manja..
How many days it will take ?
Yest call to kpsc they said next month new notifications means no list or what friends
dont spread rumour
kpsc is processing additional list wait
Then why they say wring information 2 us
What new notifications they say ,hkwrd PWD exams is not done yet simplyeeee
@New comer, @Dhinchak Manja,
According to you all since more than 2 years they are preparing ha ha ????
@dhinchak Manja
We are eagerly waiting for list since 2years is it true I think You know about the problem faced in order to get job . please tell me when it will be released .or please send me your number I will call you .or this is my Instagram account please personal message me @nithin_k_k
Otherwise share yours…
which will release first additional list or kgf2?
braking newssss ……………………………….
I think list is postpone
Hahaha as if the release was fixed
List soon soon saying from 2 years
I know you aspirant je je
which cagatory you are
Je or Ae
@New comer,
No Personal questions..
It’s JE..not Ae..
lisst is comingh vaarey soone……..
no jaavary …….. still 2 manths taking list ………
lisst is vaarey soone comingh ………
still 2-3 manths will take for list …….
aspitent ……… your mark cut of mark ??? 1 maaks difrance ??????? u in aditinal list suur………
annd ……. updats…….. list is vaaarey soon coming …… 2 months list coming soone ……..
@Dhinchak Manja …
What r u telling?? 2 months list coming soone ……
Still 2 months will take for list..or
From’s 2 months..
Tell correctly..
R u sure
aspitent …….. what marks u skore ? in je ?
@Dhinchak Manja …
All most to cut off ..very near only 1 Mark’s difference in my category..
Any updates?? Recent updates..
Mine is 2 mark difference?? Any expect?
Aspitant …….. yes …….it 100 persant suur now … …….
list is vaarey soone now……
Aspitant .. it 100 persant suur … list is vaarey soone now……
aspitant…….. liisst is vaarey soone………………
10 persant list vaarey sooone………..
@Dhinchak Manja
It’s 10 percentage or 1O0 percentage..sure according to you..
After budget or this month only..
Kpsc said secretory changed list is delay.
And one of my knowing friend called that time said after budget
Is it true 2comdition
@Dhinchak Manja,
Dhinchak Manja ..will tell this answer to your question?..
I don’t think so because all other departments they released list ..if budget is there or not …not a point ..recently this year January 6th ..ASSISTANT ENGINEER (CIVIL) AT MAHANAGARA PALIKE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF MUNCIPAL ADMINISTRATION…release …so no point of budget..
@ Vekas
u also watingh list ???
ae or jee ???
what marks u score in wrd exam ????????????
@Dhinchak Manja,
First tell me ..
According to you list is coming this month atlest or next month??
@ Vekas
yess……. list is comingh…….
Any updates
@ Vukas
no simpal telingh…….
no kedding……….
onlye real telingh this tame……
waitu meshesh…..
listu coming soonu…………..
list countdown starinngh vaaareyy soone …………..
@ Dhinchak Manja,
From when kpsc??
But when exactly??
How many percentage are u
How do u came to know???
1)By the sentences spelling mistake..
2) telling same since 2 year plus
but, thiis tame , countdown is startingh for listu….. vaarey soone……
waitu littale more…….
vaarey soone list…..,,,,,,,……..
Simply simply simply telling and kidding..
lisst iss comingh vaaarey soone……….
Saying from 2years samme
@ Dhinchak Manja,
From when kpsc??
But when exactly??
How many percentage are u
How do u came to know???
Within Feb 20 list I’ll out
Out means by list will be out by Feb 20
Sure ?? How many percentage
No any update
No list came its 20th feb simply telling
waitu meshesh…..
listu coming soonu………..
20th finish but not out
But when
Any updates
No list came
Hi ..any
No list
Sure man..
Within Feb 20 list is announce
Hey This is prakash ..I call kpsc and wrd department also…no list..they told me …and list canceled…they told new requirement in future may be 4 or 5 year later happened it seems..
what are you saying sir 4 or 5 years really not even from next year
You call and ask again same dialogue from them
Sir I called they are not receiving and in wrd told no information regarding this ..I called to kas person..
please share the number sir i will ask
Search in net kpsc and wrd department as well
No list??
No list
R u sure…
Yes bro
hany hapdate friendsss
No list
kgf 2 yavaga
when will they release Kgf 2 trailer
Add in February
lists is now vaarey soone ………
Within Feb 1st week list announce friends
That is very early .atleast 2nd week Feb
Already over
Hope so…bro..
so soon they will announce the list ? just 20 days left .. so very fast ? are u sure rocky ? how do u know ?
they were kidding Mr.
list is phoofffffff……… you get that!
Wait and see bro
No list
No list bro till now
Are you sure bro…
Hi…r u sure…
No list??
Any updates??
Any news guys
Any news latest
Kpsc announced wdr additional list before 31st March 2021.
kpsc announced wrd additional list ?
when did kpsc already announced wrd additional list ? please tell…….
That is in kpsc …but kpsc won’t announced any additional list for wrd…mind it..don’t get confused..
what is in kpsc ?
why kpsc wont announce ?
additional lists is annonsed !!!!!!
additinel list in ae mnp is annonsed today finally aftar studant loong wait for yeaars……
next list in wrd vaarey soone….
vaarey vaaareey sooonnneee wrd list ……
waitu waitu aallll ………. goood neews aallu ……….
@Dhinchak Manja,
Any updates?? Are always you will say same like joke of the year 2021…list is vvaaarey soone nowu ……..
Finally say atlest genuine..thing..
Thanks for good news
That is in kpsc …but kpsc won’t announced any additional list for wrd…mind it..don’t get confused..
what is in kpsc ?
why kpsc wont announce ?
From 4 to 5 months saying same when tell me
Vary vaareey soonee……….
From 4 to 5 months saying same when tell me
vaarey soone …………
@Dhinchak Manja,
Any updates?? Are always you will say same like joke of the year 2021…list is vvaaarey soone nowu ……..
list is vvaaarey soone nowu ……..
From 4 to 5 months saying same when tell me
now vaarey soonneee……
@ Dhinchak Manja,
Any updates u got till now or only u will say now also like same joke of the year 2021..”list is vvaaarey soone nowu ……..”
@ Dhinchak Manja,
Any updates u got till now or only u will say now also like same joke of the year 2021..”list is vvaaarey soone nowu ……..”
Yes joke
@Dhinchak Manja,
Any updates?? Are always you will say same like joke of the year 2021…list is vvaaarey soone nowu ……..
Any updates from any one..
Any ?? Updated
List when
list is vaaarey sooone …………….
When called they said end of this month
hope it is right
how do you know bro???
are you sure???
Not sure simply kidding
Add in march
how do you know bro???
are you sure???
List when
What about Lust brothers any update
In that kpsc list there was no kscfc LTD. But today kpsc today released additional list of senior assistant of kscfc
Also last week cdpo additional list women department was also released which was also not in kpsc list
So wrd list will also come like that
yaasss …. vaaarey soonee………..
Last year only food dept final list this year there additional list came but wrd when it come
List is vaarey sooner………..
I think it is getting 2 late @ravi,december is about to end
when can v get list
Any news update wrd AE additional list.