
KPSC WRD Result 2017 KPSC AE JE Eligibility List/ Selection List Cut Off Scores


KPSC WRD AE JE Result 2017. KAR WRD Results. KPSC WRD AE/JE Eligibility List & Expected Cut off Scores

The Karnataka Public Service Commission has completed a written test for 600 Assistant Engineer(Civil/ Mechanical) and 289 Junior Engineer(Civil/ Mechanical) posts in water resource department. The examination held at across the state at various exam centers. The commission will announce the result for the same very soon. Check KPSC WRD AE JE Result at the official website using the direct detail shared on this page.

14 dec: AE Civil List announced. See the detail below.

30 November 2017: Mechanical Junior Engineer Results– List of Eligible candidates for Document Verification has been released. Please see the detail available below to check the list.

KPSC WRD Result – AE JE Cut Off Scores

Name of the RecruiterKarnataka Public Service Commission
Name of DepartmentWater Resource Department
Name & No of Post Assistant Engineer – 600

Junior Engineer – 289

Date of Examination08/09/2017, 09/09/2017 and 10/09/2017
KPSC WRD AE JE Result StatusYet to be announced


The commission has conducted the KPSC WRD AE JE Exam 2017 on various dates as per the exam schedule. The exam for the Kannada Language conducted on 08/09/2017, the Assistant Engineer Exam held on  09/09/2017 and for the Junior Engineer exam commission on 10/09/2017.

KPSC WRD AE JE Result Announcement Date

The commission’s exam authority will take some more than two months to announce the WRD AE JE result. As per the information received from the sources, the KPSC WRD AE JE result is likely to be announced in the month of November. The exact date is not revealed yet.

The authority will release notification on the official website about the result declaration status. We will make an update here as and when such type of information is released. So, keep in touch with us for further updates on KPSC WRD AE JE Recruitment.

KAR WRD AE/JE Merit List & Cut Off Scores (Discussion)

The candidates will be selected on basis of their performance in the written test and further stages. Written examination result will be announced very soon. The candidates who secure the minimum required marks will be called for the further recruitment stages such as Personal Interview etc.

After that, the authority will announce the final cut off marks. The list of the selected candidates will be prepared on the basis of cut off marks. The board will upload the selection list on the website. The candidates will be able to get the KPSC WRD AE JE Merit List through the detail shared on this page also.

You can check the question paper by checking the KPSC AE JE Answer Key. On basis of the answer key, you can get an idea about the estimated marks.

The KPSC WRD AE JE Result detail will be activated on this page as and when the same is available to check on the official website. You can check the respective result using the direct detail given on this page. The KPSC WRD result can be checked by using the candidate’s exam roll number and password (date of birth).

7,512 thoughts on “KPSC WRD Result 2017 KPSC AE JE Eligibility List/ Selection List Cut Off Scores”

  1. @dinchak
    Saying from starting only soon soon but till not came don’t play with our hopes if there then tel correct if not then no

  2. Till have to wait 3 to 4 months may be or more they said we not received list from dept if we get then after our meeting take one more month

  3. hiii evaryone ……
    WAITER reSOURse DEPORTmante…….
    updaytes soonee …… vaarey vaarey sooneeeeee …… waitu aal……

  4. Karnataka Government is either avoiding or has completely forgotten wrd additional list.I can help you if I come back to cabinet

    • @Well wisher,
      Please stop nonsense..
      You even don’t know even bit of information also..atlest they will say some information correct..

    • if u think i fooling ………. if u not bilive, enquaire in depertmant …….. u getting detail i saying………

      • Department li 2 years enda nu bidtaare bidtaare anta heltaare or illa Next month call maadu antaare .
        Keli Keli saakagide , yaarna contact maadbeku?
        number edre share maadu .

      • @Dhinchak Manja you are right . List will be released by kpsc .
        But we have to know when it is released ,if you have any information please tell me brother. Because you will know what are the problem facing by unemployed boy in Home …

  5. braking news wass……….
    wrd minstair resaign from post some daays bacck due some reasoan……….

    littal delay happen due this reasoan……… waitu some tame aalllu……….. good neeews camingu ………. vaaarey sooone…………..

    • @Dhinchak Manja..
      Since more than two and half years are joking and also you are saying here joke ..on April 1st to make April fools..atlest have some sincerity and courtesy..@Dhinchak Manja

  6. @dhinchak Manja
    We are eagerly waiting for list since 2years is it true I think You know about the problem faced in order to get job . please tell me when it will be released .or please send me your number I will call you .or this is my Instagram account please personal message me @nithin_k_k
    Otherwise share yours…

  7. @aspirent

    aspitent ……… your mark cut of mark ??? 1 maaks difrance ??????? u in aditinal list suur………
    annd ……. updats…….. list is vaaarey soon coming …… 2 months list coming soone ……..

    • I don’t think so because all other departments they released list ..if budget is there or not …not a point ..recently this year January 6th ..ASSISTANT ENGINEER (CIVIL) AT MAHANAGARA PALIKE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF MUNCIPAL ADMINISTRATION…release …so no point of budget..

  8. additional lists is annonsed !!!!!!
    additinel list in ae mnp is annonsed today finally aftar studant loong wait for yeaars……

    next list in wrd vaarey soone….
    vaarey vaaareey sooonnneee wrd list ……
    waitu waitu aallll ………. goood neews aallu ……….

  9. In that kpsc list there was no kscfc LTD. But today kpsc today released additional list of senior assistant of kscfc

    Also last week cdpo additional list women department was also released which was also not in kpsc list

    So wrd list will also come like that


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