
KPSC Group A B Key Answer 2019 Group A, B Technical Posts Exam


KPSC Group A, B Key Answer 2019. KPSC Group B & C Technical Exam Answer key (RPC, HK). Check the 16-17 December Exam Question Paper.

The Karnataka Public Service Commission completes written examination for various Group B & C Technical posts from  22 September to 16 and 17 December. The exam was held for both RPC & HK vacancies. Now, the commission is on the way to release the key answer for the same. Therefore, get KPSC Group B, C key answer from the commission’s website very soon.

KPSC Group C Non-Technical Exam Key Answer 2019

A massive number of candidates appeared in the written examination. The candidates who have been a part of the exam are looking for the exam solution.

The commission’s exam authority will publish the official key answer within three to five days of the exam date. Aspirants do need to wait for the official key.

KPSC Group A B answer key  Technical Posts Exam Solution

In the first phase, the board will publish the provisional answers. After that, the final answer key and result will be announced.

The candidates must check the KPSC Group A & B Key Answer very carefully in order to get the clean result. As the board will finalize the answer key on the basis of the objections sent by the candidates. So, aspirants must check the provisional answer key for incorrect answers. Objections can be sent through a proper format as given by the exam authority.

The board will release the answer key for both exams on the same day. The answer key will be uploaded according to the question paper booklet series e.g. Set A, B, C, D. The candidates need to get the pdf file containing answers for all paper sets. After that, the aspirants can check their respective set answer key.

We will upload the answer key for all paper sets here on this page as and when the official answers are released on the website. You can bookmark this page for further updates and information on the KPSC Group A, B recruitment.

Steps to get KPSC Group A, B exam key answer 2018:

  • First, all the candidates visit the official website of KPSC
  • or go with the direct detail given below
  • Then, in menu . the key answer detail
  • After that, select the detail of KPSC Group A B Exam
  • Finally, compare your exam answers with the given booklet and know your estimated marks

23 thoughts on “KPSC Group A B Key Answer 2019 Group A, B Technical Posts Exam”

  1. Group c non tech degree level
    Exam was tougher this time as per candidates and most of the trend show lesser cutoff
    GM 90+
    Obc 80+
    SC 72+
    ST 68+

  2. When release the key answers of kpsc non technical where exam conducted on 10 June and 11 June of 2017………..plz inform us


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