
Karnataka Prisons Warder Jailor Hall Ticket 2018 Written Exam Date


The Karnataka Prisons Department, Karnataka is commencing a recruitment for filling up 1102 posts of Warders and Jailors. Candidates can apply through online mode until 09th January 2018. In the further step, the recruitment board will organize a written examination for these posts. For the same, the hall tickets will be released 15 days prior to the exam date. The eligible candidates can get the KPD Warder/Jailor Hall Tickets by using the details like application registration number and password/date of birth.

KPD Warder Jailor Hall Ticket

Recruitment AuthorityKarnataka Prisons Department
Name and Number of Posts
  • Jailor-32
  • Warder-1070
Job LocationKarnataka
Written Examination Commencement Date18 Feb
CategoryHall Ticket/Admit Card
KPD Warder Jailor Hall Ticket Availability15 days prior to the exam date

KPD Warder Jailor Exam

A recruitment notice for total 1102 vacancies including Warder (1070 posts) and Jailor (32 Posts) has been released on the official website i.e. The candidates who applied through the online mode will appear in the written test. The test will be organized at various examination centres across the state.

Karnataka Prisons Warder/Jailor Written Exam Date

The recruitment board is likely to conduct the written exam date for Warder/Jailor posts in March/April 2018. The candidates will be notified through a notice in the regional newspapers and also on the official website.

Here on this page, we will provide the information about Karnataka Prisons Warder/Jailor written exam schedule. Applicants are advised to visit the website regularly for updated information on Karnataka Prisons Warder/Jailor Recruitment 2017-18.

KPD Warder/Jailor Admit Card/Hall Ticket Availability – General Information

The KPS Warder/Jailor exam date will be revealed on the official website very soon. The KPS Hall Tickets will be made available to get on the same website just 15 days prior to the exam date.

The admit card will consist of all valid information about the candidates like roll number, name, photograph, exam venue/centre details, exam timings etc printed on it. The candidates are advised to check the admit card print properly. In case of any error, candidates can contact the examination authority before the examination.

In addition, the candidates must bring a valid photo identity proof like aadhar card, pan card, driving license, voter identity card (in original) along with the admit card print. As per the administrative information, the candidates without admit card print and photo identity proof will not be permitted to enter the examination centre.

Karnataka Prisons Warder/Jailor Admit Card get detail

A direct detail to get KPD Warder/Jailor Hall Ticket is given below. The detail will be activated as and when it is released officially. For further information on KPD Warder/Jailor recruitment 2017-18, you can bookmark this page by using Ctrl+D on your desktop screen.

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