
Kerala Post office Exam Syllabus & paper pattern 2017


Kerala Postal Circle (Kerala Post) written exam for the Postman will take place in April 2017. The applicants will have to go through an Aptitude test of 100 Marks. The aspirants who are looking to get the Kerala Postman Syllabus and paper pattern are at right place. Here we are providing the Postman/mail guard paper pattern, exam syllabus, previous year question paper, and answer keys.


Kerala Postman Pattern and Syllabus

The candidates will go through the aptitude test which will be bilingual i.e English and Malayalam. The duration of the Aptitude test will be for 2 hours ( 120 Minutes).

Subject No of Questions Marks Time
Part A:- General Knowledge 25 25 120 Minutes
Part B:- Mathematics 25 25
Part C(i):- English 25 25
Part C(ii)Malayalam 25 25
  100 100

Kerala Post Office Written exam Syllabus

General Knowledge: (25 marks with 25 questions of 1 mark each)

Geography, Indian History, Freedom Struggle, Culture &Sportss, General Polity & Constitution of India, Economics, General Science, Current Affairs, and Reasoning & Analytical abilitv of 10th standard.

Mathematics: (25 marks with 25 questions of 1 mark each)

Number Systems, Computation of whole Numbers, Decimals & Fractions, Relationship between Numbers, FunCamental arithmetical operations, Percentages, Ratio & Proportion, Profit & Loss, Simple Interest, Average, Discount, Partnership, Time & Work, Time & Distance, Use of Tables & Graphs, Mensuration.

English: (25 marks with 25 questions of 1 mark each)

Articles, Prepositions, Conjunctions, Tenses, Verbs, SynonYms & Antonyms, Vocabulary, Sentence structure, Proverbs, Phrases, questions from small passage. Etc

Malayalam: (25 marks with 25 questions of 1 mark each)

ObjectiveType / Multipte Choice Questions in Malayalam language, Malayalam Literature and Malayalam Grammar etc

Qualifying Marks for Postman and Mail Guard

  • General candidates: Minimum 10 marks in each part i.e. Part A, B, C(i) and C(ii) and 40% in aggregate. The candidate has to qualify in each part besides securing prescribed aggregate marks.
  • OBC candidates: Minimum9 marks in each part i.e. part A, B, C(i) and C(ii) and 37% aggregate. The candidate has to qualify in each part besides securing prescribed aggregate marks
  • SC/ST. candidates: Minimum 8 marks in each part i.e. Part A, B, C(i) and C(ii) and 33% in aggregate. The candidate has to qualify in each part besides securing prescribed aggregate marks


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