
JIPMER Group B/C 69 Pharmacist, and Other Online Form 2023


We are happy to announce that the JIPMER organization has released a vacancy notification for 69 posts. Applicants who wish to join JIPMER college in the posts of Pharmacists, and Other, should go to the main notification and then apply before March 18, 2023. 


JIPMER Group B/C Recruitment 2023 Notification Recap: 

Name of Company JIPMER Group B/C
Website detail
Vacancy Name Pharmacists, and Other Vacancies
Number of Vacancies 69 Vacancies
Apply Online Commence Date Feb 22, 2023
Apply Online Last Date March 18, 2023

JIPMER Group B/C Notification 2023 Entire Facts

Vacancy Report:

  1. Group B/Dental Hygienist-01 Vacancies
  2. Group B/Speech Therapist-02 Vacancies
  3. Group B/X-ray Technician/Radiotherapy-04 Vacancies
  4. Group B/Jr Translation Officer-01 Vacancies
  5. Group B/Medical Social Worker-06 Vacancies
  6. Group C/Anaesthesia Technician-08 Vacancies
  7. Group C/Jr Administrative Assistant-32 Vacancies
  8. Group C/Ophthalmic Technician-01 Vacancies
  9. Group C/Perfusion Assistant-01 Vacancies
  10. Group C/Physiotherapy Technician-02 Vacancies
  11. Group C/Stenographer Grade-2-03 Vacancies
  12. Group C/Audiology Technician-01 Vacancies
  13. Group C/Dental Mechanic-01 Vacancies
  14. Group C/Pharmacist-05 Vacancies
  15. Group C/Uro Technician-01 Vacancies

Educational Qualifications Info:

The applicants who have the qualification of BSC degree/PG degrees/or diplomas in Pharmacy from the acknowledged college/organization/body are welcome on the JIPMER portal to apply online.

Selection Strategy:

The JIPMER organization will organize an online CBT test for the recruitment of applicants for various posts. 

Application Cost:

The application form submission charges are not described in the JIPMER notification.

Apply for OSSSC Notification 2023

Age Standards:

The posts given by JIPMER has different upper age, you should check post-wise age from the official notifcation.

Pay Ranking:

  • For Group C  Vacancies- Rs. 25500
  • For Group B  Vacancies- Rs. 35400

How to Apply For JIPMER Group B/C Notification

  1. The applicants should go to the JIPMER web portal.
  2. Then apply for the desired post on the JIPMER website.
  3. Provide valid details in the JIPMER form.
  4. Submit the JIPMER form before the last date.

JIPMER Group B/C Recruitment Main details:

JIPMER Website detail Tap Here
JIPMER Notification Pdf
JIPMER Apply Online detail

FAQs Regarding JIPMER Group B/C Notification

Q. What is the main website of the JIPMER?
A. See here
Q. Where to apply for the Group B posts vacancy at JIPMER?
A. Submit here

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