
IOCL Apprentice 490 Posts Online Form 2023


From 25th August 2023, the IOCL organization has started the registration for the Apprentice posts. There are 490 seats available for the Apprentice posts in the IOCL company. The IOCL is looking for contenders who have passed the ITI, Diploma in Engg, or Degree for the Apprentice seats. The contenders will get the time until 10 September 2023 to fill up the Apprentice form. We instruct you to study the complete details of the IOCL Apprentice notification before applying. 

Notification Summary: IOCL Apprentice Recruitment 2023

Name of AuthorityIOCL 
Apply Online Begin Date25th August 2023
Posts NameApprentice Posts 
Apply Online End Date10th September 2023
Website detail
Number of Posts490 Posts 

Entire Facts: IOCL Apprentice Notification 2023

Vacancy Info:

  1. Trade Apprentice- 150 Posts
  2. Technician Apprentice- 110 Posts
  3. Graduate Apprentice/Accounts Executive- 230 Posts

Educational Qualifications:

The contenders who have studied the ITI in the required trades/ Diploma in Engg/graduation Degrees like BBA/ BCOM or BA/BSC from the sanctioned college/school/board are welcome to deposit the forms for the Apprentice seats. 


Selection Technique:

The contenders should prepare for the IOCL written test for the Apprentice posts, It will be a CBT paper that includes questions from vast subjects and there will be a docs verification process also.

Application Cost:

The contenders should not be worried about the payment of the fee as no details for the IOCL fee are given in the notification. 


Age Bars:

The contenders who reach the age of 18 years and below the year of 24 are suitable to apply for the IOCL Apprentice positions. 

Pay Ranking:

A stipend will be issued to the selected contenders each month for the IOCL Apprentice posts as per the rules. 

How to Apply For IOCL Apprentice Notification

  1. All the eligible contenders should register online for the Apprentice seats.
  2. Then, complete the IOCL Apprentice post form with valid info.
  3. Secure the docs/certificates with the IOCL Apprentice form.
  4. Submit the IOCL form. 


Q. What is the number of posts given for the IOCL Apprentice posts?
A. The contenders can apply for 490 seats of Apprentice in the IOCL organization. 
Q. What is the selection process for the IOCL Apprentice seats?
The IOCL organization will invite the contenders for the written test for Apprentice seats.

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