
Indian Army JCO 128 Religious Teacher Online Form 2023


We are pleased to disclose to you another recruitment statement delivered by Indian Army. The Indian Army has released the statement for Religious Teacher RT JCO positions and for the Havildar positions. The total number of posts in the Indian Army is 128 and for this vacancy, the Indian Army has mentioned receiving the online forms from Feb 16, 2023, to March 15, 2023. 


Recap: Indian Army JCO Recruitment 2023 Notification: 

Company Name Indian Army 
Website detail
Vacancy Name Religious Teacher and Havildar Vacancies
Number of Vacancies 128 Vacancies
Commence Date to Apply Online  Feb 16, 2023
Last Date to Apply Online  March 15, 2023

Entire Facts: Indian Army JCO Notification 2023 

Vacancy Report:

  1. RT JCO/Pandit/Hindu Vacancies
  2. RT JCO/Gorkha Pandit for Gorkha Regiments/Hindu Gorkha Vacancies
  3. RT JCO/Granthi/Sikh Vacancies
  4. RT JCO/Maulvi Sunni/Muslim Vacancies
  5. RT JCO/Shia Maulvi for Ladakh Scouts/Muslim Vacancies
  6. RT JCO/Padre/Christian Vacancies
  7. RT JCO/Mahayana Bodh Monk for Ladakh Scouts/Buddhist Vacancies
  8. HAV SAC Vacancies

Educational Qualifications Info:

The applicants who have passed the BSC degree with a maths subject or a graduation degree in the demanded subject from the authorized school/board/college are allowed to apply for the Indian Army JCO vacancy.

Selection Strategy:

The applicants have to pass the Online CBT test, physical test, medical test, and certificates verification test to get the posts of RT teacher in the Indian Army.

Application Price:

The applicants have to submit a fee of Rs. 250 online for submitting the form for the Religious Teacher posts in Indian Army.

Apply for BOB Notification 2023

Age Standards:

  • For RT JCO Vacancies-25-34 years
  • For Hav SAC Vacancies- 20-25 years

Pay Ranking:

The monthly emoluments for the Religious Teacher vacancy will be as per the rules of the Indian Army organization.

How to Apply For Indian Army JCO Notification

  1. Kindly go to the Indian Army website
  2. Fill out the Indian Army application form with all the details.
  3. Upload the docs/certificates in the Indian Army RT form.
  4. Submit the RT posts form.

Main details:Indian Army JCO Recruitment

Website detail See Here
Notification Pdf See Here
Apply Online detail See Here

FAQs Regarding Indian Army JCO Notification

Q. What is the main website of the Indian Army?
A. Check here
Q. Where to apply for the RT posts Indian Army?
A. Apply here

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