
HSSC Patwari Admit Card 2020 Patwari Roll No & Written Exam Date


The HSSC Patwari Exam is expected to be held in the month of April/May 2020. As we know, the recruitment for Haryana Patwari posts has been released by the Haryana Staff Selection Commission in the month of June 2019. Exam date will be released on the official website of HSSC very soon. The commission is expected to activate the HSSC Patwari Admit Card/ Roll No Get detail about one week prior to the examination date. The same can be Get through the direct detail given below.

Recently, the commission has released a recruitment notification with Advt. No. 7/2019 for the posts of Patwari (पटवारी)  on 588 positions. Selection will be done on the basis of written examination. The board will release the examination schedule and further instructions on its website as and when the exam date is finalized.

The commission has released the tentative schedule for various posts. The written examination for various Advertisements and recruitments will be held between November 2019 to March 2020. Aspirants are advised to check the complete schedule through the below detail. The HSSC Patwari Exam & HSSC Canal Patwari Exam will be held in April or May 2020. We will make an update on this page if there is any change in the examination schedule.

Haryana HSSC Patwari Admit Card & Examination Schedule

Examination Authority NameHSSC (Haryana Staff Selection Commission)
Name of PostPatwari
Total Vacancies588
Job LocationHaryana
Written Examination DateApril/ May (Expected)
Admit Cards Availability7 days prior to the exam date

The HSSC Patwari Exam may be either online (CBT) or OMR Based. The examination timing and place of exam will be shown on the HSSC Patwari Admit Card only. The Applicants are advised to regularly visit the website as no separate individual intimation shall be sent to the candidates.

HSSC Haryana Patwari Exam Scheme – Paper Pattern

The exam will consist of objective type multiple choice questions on various subjects like General Awareness, Reasoning, History, Mathematics, Science, English, Hindi etc.

The scheme of marks in respect of selection to the posts shall comprise of total 100 marks, as detailed below:

Sr. No.SubjectMarks
1.Written Exam90
2.Socio-Economic criteria and experience10

HSSC Patwari Admit Card Availability – Details

As we know, admit card is a mandatory document for an exam. The Haryana Patwari Admit Card will consist of details like candidate’s name, roll number, registration details, exam timings, examination date and place etc printed on it. Aspirants are advised to check the admit card print properly.

The candidates must bring HSSC Patwari Admit Card print attested by a gazetted officer with them at the time of exam. Also, it is compulsory for the candidates to bring a valid photo identity card with them. A valid photo identity card may be

  1. Aadhar Card
  2. Driving License
  3. Voter Identity Card
  4. Pan Card
  5. Passport
  6. Bank Passbook
  7. School/College Identity Card

The HSSC Haryana Patwari Admit Card Get detail is given on this web-page in the below section. The detail will be activated as and when the same is released by the officials. Aspirants will be able to Get the same by using the application registration details.

Haryana Patwari Admit Card Get procedure – Get detail

If you are not aware of the procedure to Get the Haryana Patwari Admit Card, you can follow the simple steps as given below. If you are facing a problem, write the same in the comment section given below.

  • Visit the official website of HSSC.
  • . on the recruitment Advt. No. 7/2019.
  • Find the detail for Get the admit card.
  • Fill the required details correctly.
  • Verify the filled information and . on the submit button.
  • Now, the admit card will be available to Get ad.
  • Get and take a printout of it for future use.

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