
HSRLM Admit Card 2018 Block Cluster Coordinator, DEO, BPM Written Exam Date


Haryana State Rural Livelihoods Mission (HSRLM) will conduct the written examination for Block Cluster Coordinator, Data Entry Operator, Block Programme Managers and other posts very soon. The online application registration for these posts has been closed on 25 Jan 2018.

Now, the recruitment authority is on its way to organize the written test for these posts. The exam date will be announced very soon. The candidates will be able to get the HSRLM Admit Card from the official website 15 days prior to the exam date.

HSRLM Admit Card

Total Vacancies219
Name of PostsBlock Cluster Coordinator, Data Entry Operator, Block Programme Managers and other posts
Written Exam DateYet to be announced
HSRLM Admit Card Availability15 days prior to the exam date

The officials have not finalized the HSRLM Exam Date. But, very soon, the recruitment board will come up with the notice on Block Cluster Coordinator DEO Admit Card 2018.

After the official announcement, we will enlist fresh updates about Haryana SRLM BCC BPM DEO Exam Admit Card 2018 on this page. The postulates are advised to visit the website regularly for fresh updates and detailed information.

HSRLM BCC DEO BPM Admit Card Details

The candidates must bring the HSRLM Admit Card at the time of written examination. The admit cards will be released online as no hard copy will be sent to the candidate’s residential address.

The HSRLM Admit Card will contain the information about the applicant like a unique roll number, name, photograph, signature, exam venue details, exam timings etc printed on it. The aspirants must contact the examination authority before the exam in case of any error.

HSRLM Admit Card – General Instruction

The candidates must follow the instructions as given by examination board of HSRLM. For further details on HSRLM Recruitment, visit the authorized website regularly.

Moreover, the candidates must bring a valid photo identity card with them at the time of examination. The candidates without admit card print and photo identity proof will not be allowed to enter the examination centre. A valid photo identity proof may be:

  1. Aadhar Card
  2. Driving License
  3. Voter Identity Card
  4. Passport
  5. College Identity Card

How to get HSRLM Admit Card 2018:-

  • Visit the official Website at
  • Go to “News & Announcements” Section.
  • Find the detail for HSRLM BCC, DEO, BPM Admit Card.
  • . on the respective detail.
  • Fill the required details like registration number & password.
  • . on the Submit button.
  • get and take a valid print out of the HSRLM Admit Card.

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