
HPBOSE Admit Card 2017 Junior Office Assistant Call Letter Get


HPBOSE Junior Office Assistant Admit Card 2017. HP Board JOA (IT) Admit Card. Paper Patten. Written Exam Call Letter Get


The Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education, Dharamshala will conduct the written examination for Junior Office Assistant(IT) posts on 02/09/2017 at various examination centres across the state. The admit cards for the same will be released on the board’s website in the last week of August 2017. The candidates can Get their HPBOSE Junior Office Assistant (IT) admit card from the official website by using the application registration number and password.

Recently, a recruitment notification has been released on the HPBOSE website. for the appointment of Junior Office Assistant(IT) in the State Education Board. The applications were invited from the eligible candidates through online mode only. Now, the board will organize a written test on 02/09/2017. The candidates can Get the HPBOSE J.O.A. (IT) admit card from the official website.

HPBOSE J.O.A. (IT) Admit Card 2017

Name of the examination authority HPBOSE (Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education)
Name of Post Junior Clerk
Total Posts 39
Written Examination Commencement Date 02/09/2017
Admit Card Availability 5 days before the exam date
Official Website

hpbose J.O.A. (IT) admit card


The HPBOSE Junior Office Assistant (IT) Admit Cards will be released on the board’s website 5 days before the exam commencement date. The candidates will be able to Get the respective admit card by using the applicant’s registration number and date of birth. So, the postulates are advised to keep the application form copy with them while Get the HPSCB admit card.

HPBOSE Jr Office Assistant (IT) Written Examination Scheme

The board will conduct the written test/examination based on multiple choice objective type questions of 85 marks. The set of question paper should be consisting of 4 parts carrying 25 marks in General knowledge (including HP General Knowledge), and 20 marks each in rest of 3 parts i.e General English, General Hindi, and Quantitative Aptitude (including maths & Reasoning). The duration of the written test will be 90 minutes.

HPBOSE J.O.A. (IT) Admit Card: The Admit Card shall be issued only to those candidates who have submitted their Application Form complete in all respects within the stipulated time frame and who fulfill the minimum eligibility criteria laid down for the purpose. The Admit Card shall be Get oad from board website before the five days commencement of examination.

Admit Card is not transferable to any other person. Impersonation is legally punishable/cognizable offense. The Admit Card will contain your name, roll number, photograph, the signature of the candidate, the address of the examination centre and test schedule.

HPBOSE J.O.A. (IT) Call Letter Get

The candidates will have to visit the board’s website for Get call letters for online test. Intimation for Get call letter will also be sent through email/SMS. Once the candidate .s the relevant detail, he/she can access the window for call letter Get .

The candidate is required to use (i) Registration Number/Roll Number, (ii) Password/Date of Birth for Get the call letter. Candidate needs to affix recent recognizable photograph on the call letter preferably the same as provided during registration and appear at the examination centre with (i) Call Letter (ii) Photo Identity Proof and photocopy of the same.

The candidates must check the details in the HPSCB admit card properly. If any error exists, candidates can contact the authority through email or personal visit at HPBOSE office on working days. As per the instructions, any complaints or requests shall not be entertained after the completion of written examination.

How to Get HPBOSE Junior Office Assistant (IT) admit card 2017:

  • First of all, visit the board’s official website at
  • Then, find the suitable detail for HPBOSE J.O.A. (T) Admit Card 2017
  • A direct detail for the same is given below
  • Fill the required details like applicant’s registration number and password
  • Check the filled information properly
  • . on the proceed button
  • The exam admit card will be shown on your desktop screen now
  • Get the respective admit card
  • Take a valid print out of the admit card for future use

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