
HP Police Constable Admit Card 2017 PET Schedule & Exam Date


HP Police Admit Card 2017. Constable Physical Efficiency Test Schedule. Written Examination Date. HP Police Constable Call Letter get @

Himachal Pradesh Police Recruitment Authority will conduct the Physical Efficiency Test in the upcoming month. Schedule for PET i.e. Physical Efficiency Test is not announced yet. The PET is likely to be held in October 2017. After the completion of PET, the written test will be held. get and get your respective HP Police Constable Admit Card 2017 from the official website through a direct detail given on this page.

Recently, a recruitment notification for Posts of Constable in HP Police Department was released on the official website. The applications were invited from the eligible candidates through offline mode on a prescribed format only. In the next step, the recruitment board will organize a written test for the same. The admit cards for the same will be released on the board’s website.

HP Police Constable Admit Card 2017

Name of departmentHP Police Department
Name of PostPolice Constable
Total Posts1073
Written Examination Commencement DateYet to be announced
Admit Card Availability15 days prior to the exam

HP Police Constable Admit Card 2017

The recruitment board will conduct the Physical Efficiency Test followed by the written examination, Personality Test, and Medical Examination. The board will release the admit cards 15 days prior to the written examination on the board’s website. The candidates can get the respective HP Police Constable Admit Card from the board’s website by using the application registration number & DOB.

HP Police Constable Recruitment Procedure

The recruitment process will consist of the following parameters:-

Physical & Other Standards:

Physical Efficiency Test:

Himachal Police Constable Written Examination:

The written examination for the above said posts is likely to be held in November 2017. The written test will be of 80 marks of objective type questions. The time duration for the examination will be 60 minutes. The test will consist of questions on Hindi & English Languages, Mathematics & Science, General Awareness, and Reasoning Aptitude.

The candidates who qualify in the Physical Efficiency Test will appear in Written Examination, Personality Test & Medical Examination. The candidates will be notified on the official website and registered mobile numbers.

HP Police Admit Card get

The candidates will be able to get the exam admit card from the official website 10 days prior to the exam. Candidates should use the application registration number & date of birth in order to get the admit card. So, aspirants are advised to keep the application form print with them while get the admit card.

Admit card contains the information about the candidate like name, date of birth, photograph, examination centre details and exam timings etc on it. Aspirants must check the information printed on admit card properly. If any error exists, candidates can contact the authority before the examination.

Steps/How to get HP Police Constable Admit Card 2017:

  • Visit the official website @
  • Find the detail for Police Constable Admit Card get
  • Fill the required information properly
  • . on the proceed button
  • Now, the exam admit card will be displayed on your desktop screen
  • Check the information on admit card properly
  • Finally, take a valid print out of the HP Police Constable Admit Card for future use

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