
FCI Uttarakhand Admit Card 2018 UK FCI Watchman Written Exam Date


The Food Corporation of India (FCI) will conduct a written examination for Watchman/Chowkidar posts in FCI Uttarakhand Region very soon. Examination date is not released yet. Admit Cards for the same will be released 15 days prior to the exam date. get the Uttarakhand FCI Watchman Admit Card from the official website by putting the required details like registration details and password/date of birth. A direct detail to get the same is given below.

Recently, the Food Corporation of India has released a recruitment notification for filling up 47 posts of  Watchman (Chowkidar) for manning its depots and regional offices in Uttarakhand. The recruitment authority is likely to conduct a written examination for these posts in Feb 2018. Aspirants are advised to keep in touch with our website for further updates and regular updates.

FCI Uttarakhand Watchman Admit Card 2018

Recruitment AuthorityFood Corporation of India (FCI)
Name of PostWatchman (Chowkidar, Guard)
Total Posts47
FCI UK Watchman Exam DateYet to be announced
UK FCI Admit Card Availability15 days before the exam date
Official or
CategoryAdmit Card

FCI Watchman

FCI recruitment authority will release the Zone-Wise FCI Watchman Admit Cards for Watchman Exam. The aspirants must get the FCI Watchman Admit Card from the regional website.

FCI Uttarakhand Watchman Written Examination Scheme

The UK FCI Watchman written test will be comprised of 120 Multiple Choice Questions carrying 1 mark each. There will be no negative marking. The Question Papers will be bilingual i.e. in English and Hindi language. The question paper will consist of multiple choice questions consisting of following subjects:

  1. General English
  2. Quantitative Aptitude
  3. Reasoning
  4. General Awareness & Current Events


Running800 Meters in 03 minutes in one goRunning- 600 Meters in 03 minutes in One Go
Long Jump3.00 Meters in 03 chances2.5 Meters in 3 Chances
High Jump1.00 Meters in 3 Chances0.75 Meters in 3 Chances

The number of candidates shortlisted for Physical Endurance Test will be in the ratio of 1:3. The venue of the Endurance Test will be informed through website For further updates, The candidates are advised to keep visiting the website regularly.

Physical Endurance Test (PET) is of qualifying nature only. The final merit list will be decided on the basis of Written Test subject to qualifying the Physical Endurance Test. Only those candidates who are qualified in the Physical Endurance Test will be considered for final selection.

Uttarakhand FCI Watchman Admit Card get detail – General Instructions

The Admit Card for the Written Test indicating the time and venue of examination for each candidate can be get from 15 days prior to the date of examination onwards. The admit card for written test will not be sent by post or email.

Candidates, who are not able to generate their Admit Card online at least one week before the date of the examination, should contact at email ID

The candidates must bring a valid photo identity proof like Aadhar Card, pan card, driving license, voter identity card etc (Original & photocopy) with them at the time of examination. The candidates without admit card print and aadhar card shall not be permitted to enter the examination centre.

Intimation about the shortlisted candidate will be posted on the website for which candidates should regularly visit the website The candidates have to appear in all the phases of the recruitment process to be eligible for the selection. The candidates are advised to regularly visit the Website mentioned above.

The Uttarakhand FCI Watchman Admit Card get detail is given below. The detail will be activated and when the UK FCI Watchman Admit Cards are released officially. . on the detail and fill the required details to get the admit card. Follow the general instructions as shown on your device screen.

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