
FCI Haryana Admit Card 2019 Haryana FCI Watchman Exam Date


The Food Corporation of India (FCI) will organize a written examination for Watchman/Chowkidar posts in FCI Haryana Region very soon. Admit Cards for the same will be released on the Haryana FCI Regional website 15 days prior to the exam date. get  oad the FCI Haryana Watchman Admit Card from the website or through the detail given on this page. Applicants must have the application registration details with them to get the Har FCI Watchman Admit Card.


In November 2017, the Food Corporation of India has released a recruitment notification for the posts of  Watchman (Chowkidar) at the FCI Depots and regional offices in Haryana region. Applications were invited for filling up 380 posts of Watchman (Chowkidar). The recruitment authority will conduct a written examination for these posts soon. The exam is likely to be held in January-February 2018. The admit cards will be released 15 days before the exam date. Aspirants must visit the website regularly for FCI Haryana Watchman Exam Date and further schedule.

FCI Haryana Watchman Admit Card

Recruiting Agency Food Corporation of India (FCI)
Name of Post Watchman (Chowkidar, Guard)
Region Haryana
Total Posts 380
FCI Haryana Watchman Exam Date Yet to be announced
Admit card Availability 15 days before the exam date
Official Website or
Category Admit Card

As we know, the corporation is commencing the recruitment of Watchman (Chowkidar) posts in various regions/zones. The written examination for many regions has been completed. The recruiting authority will conduct written test for remaining regions very soon.

Haryana FCI Watchman Exam Date

The FCI Har Watchman written exam will be held very soon. Exam Date for the same is not revealed yet. The exam is likely to be held in Jan-Feb 2018 (tentative).

The authority will release the FCI Watchman Zone-Wise Admit CardsFCI Haryana Watchman Admit Cards can be get from the official website i.e. respectively. The candidates must possess application registration id and password in order to get the Haryana FCI Watchman Admit Card.

The candidates will be intimated through the newspapers about the Har FCI Watchman Exam Date. The aspirants are advised to visit the website regularly for further updates on Haryana FCI Watchman Recruitment 2017.

FCI Haryana Watchman Written Exam Scheme

The FCI Watchman WRITTEN TEST will be comprised of 120 Multiple Choice Questions. All questions carry equal 1 mark. There will be no negative marking. The Question Papers will be bilingual i.e. in English and Hindi language. The question paper will consist of multiple choice questions consisting of following subjects:

  1. General Knowledge
  2. Aptitude
  3. Reasoning
  4. English Language
  5. General Awareness & Current Events
  6. Numeric Ability


Description Male Female
Race 100 Meters Race – 16 Seconds1.6 Km Race – 07 Minutes 100 Meters Race – 20 Seconds800 Meters Race – 04 Minutes
Long Jump 3.65 Meters in 3 Chances 2.7 Meters (9 Feet) in 3 Chances
High Jump 1.2 Meters in 3 Chances 09 Meters (3 Feet ) in 3 Chances

The merit will be finalized on the basis of Written Test and Physical Endurance Test (PET). Only those candidates who are qualified in the Physical Endurance Test will be considered for final selection.

get MP FCI Watchman Admit Card 2018 Here

FCI Haryana Watchman Admit Card – General Instructions

The candidates must bring the admit card print. The admit card will consist of details about the candidate like roll number, name, photograph, signature, exam venue details and exam timings etc. Also, the candidates must bring Aadhar Card (Original & photocopy) with them at the time of examination. The candidates without admit card print and aadhar card shall not be permitted to enter the examination centre.

The candidates must follow the instructions as mentioned on the FCI Haryana Watchman Admit Card. The admit card get detail is given below. The detail will be activated and when it is available on the official website. You can bookmark this page for further updates on Haryana FCI Watchman Recruitment 2017.

217 thoughts on “FCI Haryana Admit Card 2019 Haryana FCI Watchman Exam Date”

  1. Haryana fci ka admit card kab ayega ir sabhi state ka aa gaya jab ki savi ka form last me fill hua tha please anser

  2. कोई भी जानकारी मिलें ….. तो भाईयों मुझे भी बता देना …. 8127917136 ये मेरा What’s App नम्बर हैं।।।।

  3. सर, भारतीय खाद्य निगम .. हरियाणा क्षेत्र के प्रवेश पत्र कब तक आयेंगे…

  4. Can Anyone know about the date of test of FCI watchman then plzzz tell me
    Because there is not proper date and time given on the website


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