
FCI Admit Card 2017 Chhattisgarh FCI Watchman Admit Card Paper Pattern


FCI Chhattisgarh Watchman Admit Card 2017. Chhattisgarh FCI Admit Card. Exam Scheme & Paper Pattern

The Food Corporation of India (FCI) will conduct a written examination for posts of Watchmen on 24/09/2017 at various examination centres across the state. The FCI Chhattisgarh Watchman Admit Card will be released on the official website 10 days prior to the date of examination. The aspirants can get the FCI Chhattisgarh Watchman Admit Card through the direct detail shared on this page.

The FCI recruitment authority has released a notification for the recruitment of Watchmen at 104 vacant positions in its depots or offices in the state of Chhattisgarh. Online applications were invited from the eligible candidates in August 2017. Now, the recruitment authority will organize a written test for the same on 24th August 2017. The admit cards will be released for all the eligible registered candidates. The aspirants can get the FCI Chhattisgarh Watchmen admit card from the official website.

FCI Chhattisgarh Watchman Admit Card

Recruitment AuthorityFood Corporation of India (FCI)
Name of PostWatchman (Chowkidar)
Total vacancies104
FCI CG Watchman Written Examination Date24/09/2017
FCI CG Watchman Admit Card availability10 days prior to the exam date


The FCI Chhattisgarh region Watchman ( चौकीदार ) will be released 10 days before the exam date. The exam centers and timing will be mentioned on the candidate’s admit card. The candidates can get the FCI Watchman Admit Card from the website by using the login id and password.

FCI Chhattisgarh Watchman Admit Card 2017 get

FCI Watchman Exam Scheme & Paper Pattern

The Written Test will comprise of One Paper. The written test shall be held in the Offline mode. The said test shall be of 120 minutes duration and shall have 100 Multiple Choice Questions in General Knowledge, Basic Mathematics, and General Hindi up to middle school level (VIII STANDARD).

  1. The Question Paper for Written Test will be bilingual i.e. in English and Hindi. Except for General Hindi
    questions that will be only in the Hindi Language.
  2. All questions carry 1 (one) mark and there will be no negative marking.

Note-1. Verification of original testimonials shall be done afterward in respect of shortlisted candidates for physical
endurance test.

Note 2: Successful Candidates will be shortlisted for the Physical endurance test. The number of candidates to be called for Physical endurance test will be minimum three times the number of vacancies on the basis of merit in the Written Test. A candidate has to appear in all the phases of the recruitment process to be eligible for the selection. The candidates are advised to keep in touch through the Website: for further information.


The physical endurance test will be conducted only for the candidate shortlisted in the written exam. The candidates shortlisted for the PET shall be informed about the venue of PET through website They are advised to keep in touch through the website.

Final merit list for shortlisted candidates shall be generated on the basis of marks obtained in written test subject to qualifying the PET. Only those candidates who are qualified in PET will be considered for the final selection.


For male candidates:

  1. Running – 1000m in 4 minutes 30 seconds
  2. Long Jump – 4.00 meter (in 3 attempts)
  3. High jump- 1.20 meter (in 3 attempts)

For female candidates:

  1. Running – 800m in 4 minutes 30 seconds
  2. Long Jump – 2.50 meter (in 3 attempts)
  3. High jump- 1.00 meter (in 3 attempts)

CG FCI Watchman Admit Card (Instructions)

The candidates must bring FCI Watchman 2017 admit card/hall ticket print with them, on which the following information pertaining to the aspirant would be available:

  • Name of the candidate
  • A unique roll number
  • Application/registration number
  • Venue & Exam Timing
  • Candidate’s signature & Photograph

Also, the candidate has to carry a photo identity proof like PAN or Aadhar card, driving license, voter ID card along with the exam admit card. As per the instructions, the candidates without admit card print and photo identity proof will not be allowed to enter the examination centre.

The candidates can get the Chhattisgarh FCI Watchman admit card from the official website. A direct detail for the same is given below.

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