
Bihar Forest Guard Result 2019 Cut Off Scores & Slection List Get


Central Selection Board of Constable Bihar (CSBC) has successfully completed the written test for the Forest Guard posts on 16th June 2019. The board is on its way to declare the result for these posts now. The authority will tentatively announce the Bihar Forest Guard Result in the month of September. Check your respective result through the below detail by putting the application registration details.

The recruitment for the 902 posts of Forest Guards (Vanrakshak) in the State Forest Department, Bihar has been announced by the CSBC in January 2019. The eligible candidates were able to submit the online application form till 31/01/2019.

Bihar Forest Guard (Vanrakshak) Result

Recruitment AuthorityCentral Selection Board of Constable (CSBC)
Post NameForest Guard / Vanrakshak
Total Vacancies902
Application DateJanuary 2019
Written Exam Commencement Date16/06/2019
Bihar Vanrakshak Result StatusYet to be released

Bihar Forest Guard Result & cut off score discussion thread

As we know, the Bihar Forest Guard Exam held on 16th June. A massive number of candidates appeared in the exam. The board will finalize the selection of the candidates on the basis of candidates’ performance in the written exam and interview. The candidates are eagerly waiting for the written exam result.

Bihar Forest Guard Result Date

Usually, the examination board takes three months to declare the result for an exam. So, the Bihar Forest Guard/Vanrakshak Result is expected to be declared in the month of September. The board will release a notice regarding CSBC Bihar Forest Guard Result date on its official website. Aspirants are advised to visit the website regularly for updates and information on the Forest Guard Exam 2019.

CSBC Bihar Forest Guard/Vanrakshak Cut Off Scores & Merit List

The aspirants will be able to check the cut off scores for the selection of candidates on Forest Guard posts on the same website. The cut off marks will be finalized on the basis of difficulty of the exam. The category wise cut off scores will be released on the website.

Also, the board will upload the list of selected candidates on the same website. The candidates will be called up for further phases of the recruitment. The merit list get detail will be activated on this web page as and when the same is declared officially.

How to check CSBC Bihar Forest Gaurd Result 2019

  • Firstly, visit the official website of the Central Selection Board of Constable Bihar (CSBC).
  • Then, . on the detail with Forest Department Recruitments.
  • Look for the Forest Guard/Vanrakshak Exam for the year 2019.
  • Now, search for the Forest Guard Result (Advt. No. 1/2019) detail.
  • . on the detail and fill the required details correctly.
  • Check the filled information and . on the submit button.
  • Your result will be shown on your device screen.
  • Get and take a printout of your result for the provisional use.

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