
BCECEB Bihar AMIN Admit Card 2020 AMIN Shortlist (Merit List) for CBT Exam


Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board (BCECEB) will conduct the computer-based test (CBT) for the recruitment of Amin. The board will release a shortlist of the candidates eligible for the CBT. The Bihar Amin Exam date will be announced soon.


Bihar Amin candidates shortlist/ Merit list for CBT: The board has mentioned that it will prepare a Shortlist of the Amin candidates who are qualified for the test. The shortlisting will be done on the basis of candidates’ academic record and experience under the Bihar Government as an Amin. The board will upload the Rejection List and shortlist of Amin on the official website before releasing Bihar Amin Admit Card for CBT Exam.

Bihar Amin Admit Card 2020 by BCECEB & Shortlist of Candidates

Name of the exam authority Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board (BCECEB)
Name of the exam Amin
Number of vacancies 1767
Amin Exam Date
Admit Card 10 Days prior to the exam
Official website

bihar amin admit card

The board will release a list of at least 17670 candidates who will sit in the CBT exam. We have already mentioned that the board will prepare the shortlist based on academic record and experience.

After the submission of the online applications, the board will verify the validity of the applications. The invalid applications will get terminated with an instant effect. The valid applications then will go further for the shortlisting.

Important Instruction Regarding BCECEB Amin Admit Card

The candidates who are appearing for the first time in any competitive examination must understand the importance of the admit card. An Admit card is an entry ticket to the examination center. Without holding and producing a valid Admit Card, one can’t get entry to appear in the examination. Therefore, they must Get the Bihar Amin Admit Card online and take a proper print out. The candidates are also advised to take two printouts of the admit card as one copy might have to submit at the exam center.

Furthermore, a candidate must bring a valid photo identity card along with the admit card. The photo ID card must be produced in Original and Photocopy. Photocopy of ID card will be attached to the Admit Card while submitting the paper.

Candidates can bring the following as a Valid Photo ID Card

  • Driving License
  • Voter ID Card
  • Passport
  • Adhar Card
  • Pan Card

Ration Card is no more considered as a valid Photo ID card.

After Get the Bihar Amin Admit Card, the candidates should check if all the details printed are correct or not. If a candidate finds any discrepancy in the Amin Admit Card, one must contact the BCECEB Office in person. The Bihar Amin Admit Card will only be rectified 4 days prior to the exam date.

How to Get Bihar Amin Admit Card 2020

The candidates will have to visit the official portal of Amin Recruitment on the official website. We have provided a detail to Get the Bihar Amin Admit Card 2020 below. You can Get your admit card by entering the registration number and Date of birth in the required field.

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