
Banaras Locomotive Works 374 Act Apprentice Online Form 2023


We are here with a new job notification released by Banaras Locomotive Works for the Apprentice positions. The Banaras Locomotive Works organization will hire 374 persons on the Apprentice posts. The registration process for the Banaras Locomotive Works Apprentice seats will be carried out online. The BLW organization has given the starting date to submit the Apprneitce post form as 26th of October 2023 and the closing date to enroll for the Apprneitrce posts in Banaras Locomotive Works is 25th of November 2023. 

Notification Summary: Banaras Locomotive Works Recruitment 2023

Name of AuthorityBanaras Locomotive Works
Apply Online Begin Date26th October 2023
Posts NameAct Apprentice Posts 
Apply Online End Date25th November 2023
Website Details
Number of Posts374 Posts 

Total Facts: Banaras Locomotive Works Notification 2023 

Vacancy Info:

  1. ITI/Fitter- 107 Posts 
  2. ITI/Carpenter- 03 Posts 
  3. ITI/Painter/Gen- 07 Posts 
  4. ITI/Machinist- 67 Posts 
  5. ITI/Welder/G&E- 45 Posts 
  6. ITI/Electrician- 71 Posts 
  7. Non-ITI/Fitter- 30 Posts 
  8. Non-ITI/Carpenter- 00 Posts 
  9. Non-ITI/Painter/Gen- 00 Posts 
  10. Non-ITI/Machinist- 15 Posts 
  11. Non-ITI/Welder/G&E- 11 Posts 
  12. Non-ITI/Electrician- 18 Posts 

Educational Qualifications:

The contenders who want to apply for the ITI posts should have done 10th and ITI from the approved college for Banaras Locomotive Works jobs. The contenders who want to apply for the non-ITI seats must have passed the 10th class. 


Selection Technique:

The contender’s name must come to a merit list for the ITI and NON-ITI posts in Banaras Locomotive Works for Apprenitrce setas and the merit list will be prepared from the 10th/ITI marks.


Application Cost:

  • For SC/ST/PWD/Female Category- No Fee
  • For Others Category- Rupees 100

Age Measures:

The contenders should have agreed to 15- 22 years for the Banaras Locomotive Works NON-ITI posts and 15- 24 years for ITI posts.

Pay Ranking:

The contenders who come to the merit list of Banaras Locomotive Works Apprentice posts will be paid as per the rules of the Railway Board and Labour Ministry. 

How to Apply For Banaras Locomotive Works Notification

  1. The contenders should go to the registration Details of Banaras Locomotive Works.
  2. Put the name/age/10th/ITI info/ etc in the Banaras Locomotive Works form.
  3. Submit the charges for the Apprentice posts.
  4. Attach the photo/ signature/ Docs copy with the Banaras Locomotive Works form.

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