
AAI Apprentice 185 Posts Online Form 2023


Apprentice post-job notification is demonstrated by the AAI organization. The AAI organization has demanded applications online for the Apprentice posts and the number of seats is 185 in various trades. The contenders must start filling out the online forms for the AAI Apprentice vacancy if they are eligible as the application Details has been active since the 16th of November 2023. The AAI organization will close the application Details for the Apprentice post form submission on 03rd of December 2023. 

Notification Summary: AAI Apprentice Recruitment 2023

Name of AuthorityAAI Apprentice
Apply Online Begin Date16th November 2023
Posts NameApprentice Posts 
Apply Online End Date03rd December 2023
Website Details
Number of Posts185 Posts 

Whole Facts: AAI Apprentice Notification 2023 

Vacancy Info:

  1. AAI/Degree/Graduate Apprentice- 22 Posts 
  2. AAI/Diploma/Technical Apprentice- 90 Posts 
  3. AAI/ITI/Trade Apprentice- 73 Posts 

Educational Qualifications:

The contenders should have completed the graduation degree/ Diploma in Engg/ ITI with 10th class from the sanctioned college/ school/ board to submit the application for Apprentice posts.


Selection Technique:

The contenders will be first chosen as per their marks in the qualifying exam and then there will be an interview followed by docs verification and a medical exam for the AAI Apprentice seats.  

Application Cost:

The notification pdf of the AAI organization for the Apprentice posts said that the application form will be free for all. 

Age Bars:

The contenders must be below the bar of 26 years and their age should be greater than 18 years for the Apprentice posts in the AAI organization. 

Pay Ranking:

  1. AAI/Degree/Graduate Apprentice Posts – Rupees 15000
  2. AAI/Diploma/Technical Apprentice Posts – Rupees 12000
  3. AAI/ITI/Trade Apprentice Posts – Rupees 9000

How to Apply For AAI Apprentice Notification

  1. The Details to save the pdf of the Apprentice post notification of AAI is given above, save the pdf and study the facts.
  2. The eligible contenders should specify the education details, DOB, and other facts in the AAI Apprentice form.
  3. Then, you should prepare the digital form of DMC/ photo/ Signature for attaching them to the Apprentice application form.
  4. Submit the AAI Apprentice post form and before that review all the details. 

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